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Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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Fantastic writing, amazing cast, great comedy! Absolutely loved it! Especially Zach McGowan as Ray! David Singer knocked it out of the park with Imperfections! I can't wait to see his next movie!
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Imperfections brings what audiences love from heist movies, charm, smart characters, and of course the criminal vibe that keeps viewers yearning for more of this cinematic theme. This film follows aspiring actress and practicing diamond courrier, Cassidy, as she finds herself entrenched in a scheme to fraud her employers insurance in order to make some serious money. This film's ability to maintain a fast paced plot, and connect so many of its characters through love triangles, scheming, and plot twists makes it a standout film amongst other heist movies. I'd highly recommend seeing Imperfections for a heist experience that's not only unique, but a fresh take on the theme.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
The director, David Singer, and cast do an amazing job in the stellar independent film Imperfections. From the stellar cinematography and lighting, the great use of colors and city landscape, to the amazing cast this film has everything an independent film could dream for. Imperfections is about a millennial searching for purpose named Cassidy who is a struggling actress with a mission to succeed, if only to show herself and the world that she can. Finding herself back at the bottom, relatable to many millennials today, she has to move back home with her mom in hopes of working her way back up and hopefully back out to Los Angeles to continue her acting career. When a intriguing, not so legal, offer comes up to could fund her way to Los Angeles, she is forced to decide if she's willing to possibly hurt those she loves for this opportunity to reach fame yet again. This film explores millennial struggles that make the film extremely relatable and intriguing especially with cast members such as Zach McGowan from the 100, Virginia Kull from HBO's Big Little Lies, and Ashton Holmes from Revenge. I highly recommend this film to anyone who has struggles with achieving their dream and love a good drama film.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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I have no complaints about Imperfections! The film held my attention from start to finish with its laugh-out-loud script, its lovable characters, its suspenseful, unpredictable plot, and its great cinematography. Its about an aspiring actress named Cassidy who goes to audition after audition, only to receive no job offers. To save money to move to Hollywood in pursuit of her dream, she takes a job as a diamond runner at her moms boyfriends jewelry store where she gets caught up in a get-rich-quick heist that his son devised. The plan proves more complicated to execute when truths are revealed, other characters get involved, and motives are questioned. Such an entertaining film that will keep you guessing until the very end. This is a movie that anybody can relate to, whether it be because of the main characters struggles with finding herself, the desperate desire to make quick cash, or simply the understanding that no ones life is perfect. With the best aspects of comedy, action, mystery, and romance films, Imperfections has none. Its a must-see!
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
Imperfections is a movie that revels in the flaws we all have, wrapped up tightly in the narrative of a heist movie. What's ironic is that Imperfections manages to betray its namesake, delivering a masterclass movie that appeals to all audiences, whether they're looking for a light film in the vein of a romantic comedy or a thematic experience that makes one question his or her morals. The plot follows Cassidy, an out-of-work actress who finds herself evicted and living back with her mother in Chicago. When the man Cassidy's mother is seeing offers her a job at his business - a precious gem import shop - she must learn the unique position she's been offered: the diamond courier. What follows is a wild descent through uncomfortable moral quandaries, unexpected twists and a plot that dances on all the grays the ethical spectrum has to offer. Cass grows close to characters who she intends to exploit for personal gain, and these characters are written in such a way that their endearing qualities nearly always tug at the audience's gut. Despite this, the movie never becomes unenjoyable, having far more in common with The Wolf of Wall Street than something like Heat. The lighter tone Imperfections adopts doesn't impose upon the truly significant nature of the film's content, but rather sands the edges of the piece in a way grittier movies don't. What emerges is a polished product that is downright fun to watch in the moment, but manages to stick with the viewer long after the credits roll. A genuine treat from start to finish, Imperfections is a gem of a movie in and of itself that I can only recommend.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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