Roland Reber's Cabaret of Death
Where to Watch
Roland Reber's Cabaret of Death
Rent Roland Reber's Cabaret of Death on Apple TV, or buy it on Apple TV.
My Rating
Cast & Crew
Roland Reber
Christian Buse
Marina Anna Eich
Mira Gittner
Man with mask
Eisi Gulp
Corpse driver
Wolfram Kunkel
Mr. Naumann
Roland Reber's Cabaret of Death
Movie Info
Director -
Roland Reber -
Producer -
Marina Anna Eich , Patricia Koch , Antje Mönning -
Screenwriter -
Mira Gittner , Antje Mönning , Roland Reber -
Production Co -
WTP International -
Genre -
Comedy -
Original Language -
German -
Release Date (Streaming) -
Oct 28, 2020 -
Runtime -
1h 33m