Anne Marie Ottersen
Anne Marie Ottersen was an actress who had a successful Hollywood career. Ottersen kickstarted her acting career in various films such as "Voldtekt (Tilfellet Anders)" (1971), "Wives" (1975) and the drama "Lars i Porten" (1983) with Magnus E Haslund. Her passion for acting continued to her roles in projects like the Froydis Armand comedy sequel "Wives - Ten Years Later" (1985), the Riccardo DeTorrebruna comedy "Makaroni Blues" (1986) and the Jon Skolmen comedy "Plastposen" (1987). She also appeared in "Bryllupsfesten" (1989) and "Buicken - Store Gutter Grater Ikke" (1991). Ottersen more recently acted in "Wives III" (1996) with Froydis Armand.