Brigitte Pogonat
While she first made waves on stage, Brigitte Pogonat used her innate comedic and dramatic chops to propel her career onto the big screen. Born on July 21, 1980, Brigitte Pogonat studied at the Conservatory of Dramatic Arts in Montreal, Canada, where she graduated from in 2004. She appeared in stage productions before launching a film career, beginning with appearances in the short films "Les acteurs amoureux" (2007), a comedy about an onstage couple who takes their relationship off-stage, and "C'est comme ça que ça finit" (2010), a drama about two women who begin an unlikely friendship by movie's end. By 2010, Pogonat began landing featured roles in more mainstream projects like "Twice a Woman" (2010) and "Le baiser du barbue" (2010). She then landed a co-starring role in the thriller "La peur de l'eau" ("Fear of Water") (2011) opposite Pierre-François Legendre, a shy and retiring police detective who goes on a rogue murder investigation. She played Legendre's partner who slowly falls for him during the investigation. In 2012, Pogonat appeared in the drama "Le météore," starring François Papineau and Andrée Lachapelle.