Deborah Gibson
Singer-songwriter-actress Deborah "Debbie" Gibson rocketed to teen idoldom as one of the "good girls" of pop music in the late-1980s, enjoying a friendly rivalry with fellow pop princess, Tiffany. Hit singles from upbeat efforts like Out of the Blue and Electric Youth not only topped the charts, but made the 17-year-old the youngest female artist to write, record and perform her own No. 1 song at the time. As her Tiger Beat years fell behind her, Gibson broadened her horizons with well-received work on stage in such hit productions as "Grease" and "Chicago." A nude pictorial in a 2005 issue of Playboy helped to further shed her "girl-next-door" image, and work in monster movies like "Mega Shark vs. Giant Octopus" (2009) gave her an opportunity to ham it up on screen as an actress. Eternally industrious and never content to rest on her laurels, Gibson continued to challenge herself with new endeavors - at times distancing herself from her teeny bopper roots, while at others, embracing them.