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Hanns Eisler

Highest Rated: 100% Night and Fog (1955)

Lowest Rated: 75% A Scandal in Paris (1946)

Birthday: Jul 6, 1898

Birthplace: Leipzig, Germany

Former student of Arnold Schoenberg and collaborator with Bertolt Brecht who left Germany in 1933 and worked with European filmmakers including Joris Ivens and Jacques Feyder before moving to the US in 1936. A Marxist and a modernist, Eisler worked with several noted directors including Fritz Lang and Jean Renoir before being deported in 1948 during the anti-Communist witch hunt. Settling in East Germany, he wrote the new state's national anthem, composed music for several films (including an outstanding score for Alain Resnais' "Night and Fog," 1955) and co-authored a scathing book on movie music, "Composing for the Films" (1947), with philosopher Theodor W. Adorno.

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Highest-Rated Movies

100% 95% Night and Fog
87% 67% Hangmen Also Die Watchlist
75% 62% A Scandal in Paris
The Forgotten Village
No Man's Land
Song of Heroes
The 400 Million
48% The Woman on the Beach
60% Council of the Gods
44% Galileo


Movies TV Shows
Solidarity Song: The Hanns Eisler Story 1995 Original Music Galileo 44% 1973 Original Music Nuit et brouillard 100% 95% 1955 Original Music Council of the Gods 60% 1950 Original Music The Woman on the Beach 48% 1947 Original Music Deadline at Dawn 57% 1946 Original Music A Scandal in Paris 75% 62% 1946 Original Music Jealousy 1945 Original Music None but the Lonely Heart 54% 1944 Original Music Hangmen Also Die 87% 67% 1943 Original Music The Forgotten Village 1941 Music The 400 Million 1939 Original Music Song of Heroes 1932 Original Music Whither Germany? 67% 1932 Original Music No Man's Land 1931 Original Music
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