John Inwood
During its long run, the NBC-TV surreal comedy "Scrubs," about life, medicine, and the havoc that accompanies it, often relied on some very flashy camerawork to put forth its warped view of Sacred Heart Hospital. A lot of the credit for this component of the show goes to Director of Photographry, or DP, John Inwood, who worked on just under 100 episodes. He minted his technique on the set of dozens of industrials and TV commercials, which makes sense as a lot of the kinetic energy on display in the "Scruibs" visuals have the same irreverent pacing as TV ads. "Scrubs" is certainly the jewel on Inwood's DP crown, as nothing else comes close in terms of either high profile or longevity. But, alongside his TV commercial and industrial work, he has popped up here and there as the DP of feature films such as 1996's comedy about a wife and her family unearthing the mystery behind a love note addressed to her husband in "The Daytrippers," 2002's "Face," and the 2011 Neil Patrick Harris comedy "The Best and the Brightest," exploring a young couple's struggle to register their daughter in an elite New York City kindergarten.