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Philip Reed

Highest Rated: 100% The Unbelievable Truth (1990)

Lowest Rated: 60% Madame X (1937)

Birthday: Mar 25, 1908

Birthplace: New York, New York, USA

Highest-Rated Movies

100% 87% The Unbelievable Truth
91% 71% Song of the Thin Man
83% 55% Female
60% 50% Madame X
50% House on 56th Street
Maybe It's Love
Aloma of the South Seas
77% Old Acquaintance
30% The Last of the Mohicans
38% British Agent


Movies TV Shows
The Unbelievable Truth 100% 87% 1990 Original Music Harum Scarum 29% 1965 King Toranshah Actor The Tattered Dress 33% 1957 Michael Reston Actor The Girl in the Red Velvet Swing 43% 1955 Robert Collier Actor Take Me to Town 1953 Newton Cole Actor Bandit Queen 1951 Joaquin Murietta aka Carlos del Rio Actor Indian Scout 1950 Red Hawk Actor Davy Crockett, Indian Scout 1950 Red Hawk Actor Tripoli 1950 Hamet Karamanly Actor Manhandled 29% 1949 Guy Bayard Actor Underworld Scandal 1948 Steve Wilson Actor Bodyguard 64% 1948 Freddie Dysen Actor Daughter of the West 1948 Navo White Eagle Actor Unknown Island 16% 1948 Ted Osborne Actor Big Town After Dark 1947 Steve Wilson Actor Song of the Thin Man 91% 71% 1947 Tommy Edlon Drake Actor Song of Scheherazade 1947 Prince Mischetsky Actor I Cover the Underworld 1947 Steve Wilson Actor Pirates of Monterey 1947 Lt. Carlo Ortega Actor Guilty Assignment 1947 Steve Wilson Actor I Cover the Big Town 1947 Steve Wilson Actor Her Sister's Secret 60% 1946 Richard "Dick" Connolly Actor Hot Cargo 1946 Chris Bigelow Actor Old Acquaintance 77% 1943 Lucian Grant Actor A Gentleman After Dark 1942 Eddie Smith Actor
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