Sid Wilson
Born on January 20, 1977, in Des Moines, Iowa, Sid Wilson, also known as Ratboy, DJ Moonboots, DJ Starscream and #0 (or 0), is an American musician. He performs in the American band Slipknot, and also tours as DJ Starscream, a name which is derived from the "Transformers" character of the same name. Within Slipknot, Wilson contributes sound effects, horror-like noises as well as background noises/effects. In August 2010, he toured with his solo band, Sid. When performing with Slipknot, Wilson wears various masks. In 2013, Wilson announced a new mask which he debuted over the weekend at Ozzfest Japan in Tokyo. When performing with Slipknot, Wilson primarily wears a mask. For the release of Slipknot's sixth album, "We Are Not Your Kind," Sid Wilson wore an animatronic death mask, covered partly by a large black hood and robe.