Steve Kerr
Canadian filmmaker Steve Kerr explored suspenseful subjects through a modern perspective in such festival favorites as "Columbarium" (2012) and "The Squealing Game" (2016). Born in 1972 in Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Kerr worked in finance before moving into feature films. A graduate of the École des Hautes Études Commerciales (EDHEC Business School) in Montreal, he was a member of the Order of Chartered Accountants of Canada, but gradually moved into production, first as a designer and later, as a producer for television and on short films. In 2012, Kerr made his debut as writer, producer and director with "Columbarium," a supernatural-tinged thriller that incorporated elements of his background in finance into its plot about a Wall Street broker who, in the wake of the global market crisis of 2008, must team with his estranged brother to honor their father's wish for them to build the titular edifice. A popular entry in various international film festivals, it was followed in 2016 by "La Chasse au collet" ("The Squealing Game"), a thriller about a dating website for married individuals.