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90 Minutes in Heaven

Play trailer 1:02 Poster for 90 Minutes in Heaven PG-13 Released Sep 11, 2015 2h 1m Drama Play Trailer Watchlist
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27% Tomatometer 22 Reviews 50% Popcornmeter 5,000+ Ratings
Pronounced dead by rescue workers after a car accident, Texas pastor Don Piper (Hayden Christensen) believes that he visited heaven before springing back to life 90 minutes later.
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90 Minutes in Heaven

Critics Reviews

View All (22) Critics Reviews
Vadim Rizov AV Club The screenplay is full of infelicitous dialogue far from a plausible vernacular, which wouldn't matter if the movie had an ounce of stylization to justify its fourth-grade-reading-level airport-novel vocabulary. Rated: D+ Sep 17, 2015 Full Review Matt Fagerholm A better title would've likely been "121 Minutes in Purgatory," since that's essentially where audiences will find themselves residing during the entirety of this dreary slog down a familiar road paved with painfully good intentions. Rated: 1.5/4 Sep 13, 2015 Full Review Joe Leydon Variety This inspirational indie earns points by being more bluntly realistic than many other faith-based dramas in its depiction of an ordeal that likely would challenge the faith of even the most devout Christians. Sep 13, 2015 Full Review Richard Propes It's a film that will resonate with persons of faith. Rated: 3.0/4.0 Sep 17, 2020 Full Review Barbara Shulgasser Common Sense Media Faith-based drama about life after returning from afterlife. Rated: 2/5 Feb 21, 2020 Full Review MaryAnn Johanson Flick Filosopher So deeply terrible that it will make you question the existence of God. The dialogue is the least natural I've ever seen in a film not made by Ed Wood. Jan 4, 2016 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Prehana S It was a good movie about faith vs. hope especially during a guys most traumatic healing journey which many wouldnt have survived such an ordeal. Cant understand the negative reviews. I enjoyed this movie and it will hit home for those who have lost loved ones, reason for dragging in the middle clearly highlighting how life drags and becomes dull during your darkest hours. If HE takes you to it, HE will take you through it. Ofcourse its going to be based on a mans depressing journey of healing, life isnt sunshine and roses Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 09/01/23 Full Review Carlos T Minha opinião: Este filme retrata um fato verídico vivido por Don Piper onde ele sofre um acidente de carro onde uma caminhão passa por cima do carro. E os médicos deram ele como morto. E se passa 90 minutos que eles precisavam esperar o legista até liberar. E bem neste momento um pastor que estava parado por causa do acidente vai orar por Don, onde os próprios bombeiros e enfermeiros da ambulância zombaram dele, dizendo que estava morto, mas quando ele começa a orar e louvar Don começa a louvar junto e isso surpreende a todos. Porem quando chega no hospital a suas chances de viver eram pequeníssima. Mas o milagre ocorre novamente e ele tem alta. E quando ele volta seu trabalho no ministério e testemunha que durante aqueles 90 minutos que todos viram ele morto, ele estava no Paraiso onde ele viu, sentiu, e pode ver pessoas que já haviam partido. E assim ele escre eu um livro que vendeu mais de 7 milhões de exemplares e Don viaja o Mundo levando seu testemunho. E assim este filme foi feito. Eu creio no testemunho dele, que o livro seja bom, mas este filme tem muito a desejar. A atriz que faz o papel da esposa de Don, é um iceberg de frieza, estamos falando de um filme com espiritualidade e colocar uma mulher que não expressa emoções, até nos ficamos frios. O ator que faz o papel de Don Hayden que também não emociona. Não sei se você já assistiu "O Homem Milagre" com história parecidas, e o ator que fez o papel lá, meu você sofre junto, torce e vence as advercidades, junto com ele. Então o elenco não foi assertivo. Roteiro e enredo fracos, falas vazias, cenas vazias, tudo vazio. Vale apena assistir? Eu indico a ler o livro. Nota: 3 Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 03/30/23 Full Review Audience Member There is a beautiful story here...I would've snipped the middle chunk of it down 10-15 minutes or had made a montage of Don's recovery and had focused on showing my audience the experience of Heaven and it's glory! Hayden Christiansen and Kate Bosworth are believable here, but too much time spent on therapy...:( Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 06/15/22 Full Review Audience Member This was among the slowest, most drawn out movies I have ever seen, basically the guy has a horrible car accident, believes he dies and ventures into heaven, medical professionals fix him as best they can but he gives his god the credit. The movie revolves around his whinging and whining during his hospital stays, now don't get me wrong, I can imagine his suffering was immense, but to drag it in through 2 thirds of an already too long movie is just giving us as viewers visual mental torture. This could have been a decent movie had it followed the legal battle or concentrated on the alleged supernatural aspect, but no, it was an uninteresting slog-athon of a fella in the hospital and Bible nutters preaching how good god and prayer is for saving him. Well, if his god was so good why didn't he just make the truck driver drive on the right side of the road then we wouldn't have to watch this god awful movie. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 01/17/23 Full Review Audience Member From the synopsis we thought this might be an uplifting near death experience story. It turned out to be a depressing and painfully slow and boring story about a self-indulgent and selfish bloke's hospital recovery from a road traffic accident. We nearly lost the will to live! Save yourself a dreadful two hours! Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 01/17/23 Full Review lanfranco c It is important to believe Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 03/30/23 Full Review Read all reviews
90 Minutes in Heaven

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Movie Info

Synopsis Pronounced dead by rescue workers after a car accident, Texas pastor Don Piper (Hayden Christensen) believes that he visited heaven before springing back to life 90 minutes later.
Michael Polish
Rick Jackson, Randall Emmett, Dawn Parouse, Michael Polish, George Furla
Michael Polish
Samuel Goldwyn Films
Production Co
Emmett/Furla Films
PG-13 (Intense Injury Images|Intense Accident Images)
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Sep 11, 2015, Wide
Release Date (Streaming)
Apr 5, 2016
Box Office (Gross USA)
2h 1m
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