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Aces 'n Eights

Play trailer Poster for Aces 'n Eights TV-14 2008 1h 36m Western Drama Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 1 Reviews 21% Popcornmeter 250+ Ratings
A landowner (Ernest Borgnine) and his allies make a stand when thugs who work for the railroad want his property.

Critics Reviews

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Dennis Schwartz Dennis Schwartz Movie Reviews There's nothing about this unimaginative Western to be excited about. Rated: C+ Feb 24, 2016 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Carlos T Minha opinião: Um filme de faroeste já no século XXI, um desafio em uma geração marcada por Super-Herois. E aqui também temos o saudoso Ernest Borgnine em um dos seus íltimos trabalhos. Fazendo o papel de um fazendeiro já idoso que não abre mão de suas terras para que passe a ferrovia. Por motivos de ter vivido 30 anos nestas terras e ter enterrado sua amada. Mas ele tem um novo capatas que quer uma nova vida que Luke que antes fazia parte de um grupo de pistoleiros. Entre mafiosos que estão interessados que passe a ferrovia a qualquer custo e aquele que quer preservar sua memoria afetiva. Um filme onde Luke deve tomar uma decisão e todos que trabalham no rancho. Roteiro e enredo simples, um filme classe C. Mas que foi bem montado e como disse desafiando o séc. XXI com um faroeste. Vale apena assistir? Sim para que curte um Westers. Dos antigos seriado James West, Daniel Bonnie, Rin Tin Tin, Bonanza,.... Nota: 5 Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 08/30/23 Full Review Audience Member Put your hand up on the log. I won't ask again. A local village that keeps to themselves and is fairly self sufficient is invaded by ruthless railroad outlaws that want to pave tracks through the land. The land owners are initially passive but when family and children get pushed around, the villagers may push back. "You can all go now because we have nothing more to talk about." Craig Baxley, director of Action Jackson, Dark Angel, Stone Cold, Twilight Man, Bad Day on the Block, Deep Red, Twisted Desire, and Sniper 2, delivers Aces 'N' Eights. The storyline for this picture is very mediocre but there are some good shootouts here and there. The acting is made for television average and the cast includes Casper Van Dien, William Atherton, Jeff Kober, Ernest Borgnine, and Bruce Boxleitner. "You sure do promote a hell of a brawl." This was recommended to me by Fios so I decided to DVR it. This was a below average western with little going for it. There were some good one liners here and there and the shootouts weren't horrible, but I wouldn't call this a worthwhile addition to the genre. I recommend skipping this. "Are you going to listen to us or threaten us?" Grade: D Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 01/19/23 Full Review Audience Member Western sterotypes abound in this variant on the old standards. Can't find anything memorable - the american hero dies for his rights and values, the baddies win with firepower and the goody among them comes up with Win-Win-Win compromise which offers all hope for the Great American Dream to sequel. Pity the Heroine who weans The kid away from guns didn't change american attitudes more? Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 02/09/23 Full Review Audience Member Decent cast but a hurried plot which makes you feel like you started watching half way through and never quite catch up with. Shakey camera work and hurried scenes. Not great. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 01/19/23 Full Review Audience Member This above-average but violent made-for-television western pits the villainous land-hungry railroad against the defenseless small-frye ranchers whose lands lay on the railroad route. ACTION JACKSON director Craig R. Baxley helms this exciting little horse opera with flair to spare and the momentum never lags during its concise 87 minutes. Baxley spent over 30 years performing stunts on movies like DIAMONDS ARE FOREVER as well as the NBC blockbuster hit THE A-TEAM so he has a knack for orchestrating interesting stunts. The photography by Yaron Levy of STREET WARRIOR constantly thrusts you into the thick of the gunfire and the camera work is nimble, lending the film a palatable sense of versimilitude. As the protagonist named Luke Rivers, Casper Van Dien is actually tolerable for a change and the beard gives him a lot of maturity. Late in the action, he puts on a poncho and vaguely resembles Clint Eastwood. The sturdy cast includes Bruce Boxleitner as a believable gunfighter named D.C. Cracker. D.C. has a hard time deciding which side of the fight he is going to be on when trouble comes calling. Ninety-one year old Ernest Borgnine of THE WILD BUNCH and VERA CRUZ plays one of the chief ranchers that the railroad has been harassing about his land. He does not scare easily and Luke and he become friends. SUGARLAND EXPRESS star William Atherton makes a slimy bad guy named Howard. Jeff Kobar as a killer named Tate is particularly vicious without a sympathetic bone in his wiicked body. He exudes evil. Of course, the devious Chicago-based railroad company doesn't want to pay a penny more for the land than necessary. ACES N EIGHTS springs more surprises than you might imagine for its humble origins without violating any of the formula conventions of westerns. Make no mistake, this western is at times rather brutal. Jack Noseworthy of BREAKDOWN stands out as a member of the railroad who has come to negotiate a peaceful settlement between the railroad and the landowners. The gunfights are noisy but not bloody. The treacherous hired guns working for the railroad terrorize and murder land owners and their wives to scare them into selling out. One indication of a good movie is when the chief characters change and evolve during the trajectory of the narrative. The finale is a well-staged UNFORGIVEN gunfight between the heroes and the villains with a surprisingly conclusion. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/17/23 Full Review Audience Member Before you use to get alot of good westerns and some not so good.Now they don't attend to make westerns so much but this one stays on the same level as alot of the other westerns.It starts off really good about a man who tries to protect is area and town.The story was suited great for this interesting,well thought,original western. This is by no means a masterpiece this doesn't interest its viewers throughout but it does forcus on the storyline and should entertain most of the audience that views this detailed western storyline.I thought this film as something about it that makes it non predictable and different from other films.Eventhough this film is entertaining and the storyline is very well done the storyline isn't detailed enough for me to beable to view this film over and over.Eventhough only 23% of users liked it on flixster its not that popular and haven't had many ratings so I do reccomend it because the storyline is detailed and is exceptionally very well done.This is nothing masterpiece but this film as the basics with what a film needs great acting performances,a detailed and interesting western storyline that was connected very well,a great begining and ending and great directing from Craig R. baxley We see Casper Van Dien in this film who as already acted well in other films so he as proved to us is ability of acting and what hes capable and what he isn't of doing we also have a director who as directed before so he knows whats right and not for the film aswell. Overall I reccomend this one the storyline was very well delivered and hopefully we will have some more westerns in the next couple of years that is as good as the older ones if not better.I did see two other recent ones too and thats The tenth circle and Loves abiding Joy so to me it looks that we are starting to have some really good detailed westerns again.The acting performances were also very well delivered and they were at a high standard.There may of been a few flaws in the acting or it could of been better in ways but the acting was nothing anywhere near terrible.I reccomend this one. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/08/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Aces 'n Eights

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Movie Info

Synopsis A landowner (Ernest Borgnine) and his allies make a stand when thugs who work for the railroad want his property.
Craig R. Baxley
James Wilberger, Erik Heiberg
Dennis Shryack, Ronald M. Cohen
Production Co
Alpine Medien, RHI Entertainment, Larry Levinson Productions
Western, Drama
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Oct 1, 2016
1h 36m