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Achilles and the Tortoise

Play trailer Achilles and the Tortoise 2008 1h 59m Comedy Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 2 Reviews 83% Popcornmeter 500+ Ratings
A man's obsession over art leaves him penniless and homeless until his estranged wife saves him.

Critics Reviews

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Fernando F. Croce Slant Magazine Takeshi Kitano in a contemplative, pretty-but-is-it-art mood. Sep 15, 2008 Full Review Ard Vijn ScreenAnarchy As the third part of a self-mocking trilogy "Achilles and the Tortoise" may be a bit long in the tooth, but as a standalone film about the perceived value of art it has quite some interesting things to say. Jan 17, 2020 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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camille l Pour finir sa trilogie existentielle, Takeshi Kitano se met dans la peau d'un peintre sans talent, sans avenir mais totalement dédié à son art. En ce point, l'entreprise de démolition de son égo marche comme aux Trente Glorieuses tant Achille et la Tortue est une accumulation de déceptions, d'humiliations, de hontes... Cela devrait être déprimant mais Kitano marie encore l'humour noir et le macabre avec majesté. Il parvient à faire rire en parlant de suicide, d'abandon et de mort d'un enfant avec une facilité déconcertante. Kitano himself est absolument fantastique tandis que Kanako Higuchi remplace parfaitement Kiyoko Kishimoto dans le rôle de sa femme dévouée. D'une tristesse infinie mais d'une drôlerie rarement égalée, Achille et la Tortue est de très loin le plus grand film de la trilogie, un très grand moment de cinéma engageant, intrigant, esthétiquement formidable et surtout éreintant. Dur de rebondir après ça. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member Great, beautiful movie about art. For Kitano's fans it's important story about an author and his way of thinking about cinema. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/20/23 Full Review Audience Member Not as strong as glory to filmmaker Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 01/15/23 Full Review Audience Member Vejo nesse filme a sina de vários artistas incompreendidos, amigos, colegas... A arte é cada vez mais subjetiva e vazia...a oportunidade de espaços exposição de bons trabalhos fica submetido a avaliação de críticos que parecem se importar mais com sua própria avaliação do que com a obra em si. Boa crítica ao universo da arte. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/28/23 Full Review Audience Member Some would find this movie funny, and some would find it sad.Achilles to kame is an excellent mix of drama , satire and comedy. It is takeshi kitano's take on contemporary art or what is being sold as contemporary art by the critics. It dwells on almost everykind of trouble faced by an artist who lives in a world where the art of painting is mostly considered worthless by photography, where art is never accepted unless it looks startlingly different or unless you are well known in some artists circle in france. We get to follow the life of an artist from the childhood when his art is raw,innocent and individual to the near ruin of his art in adulthood where it is corrupted with a good taste, knowledge, desire for acceptance. Recommended for everyone who admires art and anyone who has attempted to create his own art. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 02/10/23 Full Review Audience Member Desde criança, Machisu, filho de um rico colecionador, sonha em ser pintor. Obstinado, mas sem talento algum, o menino passa os dias pintando. Quando o pai morre, Machisu trabalha duro para entrar em uma escola de arte, onde conhece gente como ele e recebe suas primeiras críticas negativas. No amor de Sachiko, encontra força para seguir em frente. Casa, tem uma filha e continua pintando com a ajuda da esposa. Já velho, Machisu ainda não conseguiu vender um quadro, mas suas tentativas de obter reconhecimento só se intensificam. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/19/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Achilles and the Tortoise

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Movie Info

Synopsis A man's obsession over art leaves him penniless and homeless until his estranged wife saves him.
Takeshi Kitano
Masayuki Mori, Takio Yoshida
Takeshi Kitano
Production Co
Bandai Visual Co. Ltd.
Original Language
1h 59m