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Arn: The Knight Templar

Play trailer Poster for Arn: The Knight Templar 2007 2h 19m History Drama Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 0 Reviews 61% Popcornmeter 5,000+ Ratings
A disgraced man (Joakim Nätterqvist) travels to Jerusalem to join the Knights Templar.

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Carlos T Minha opinião: O melhor filme que assisti deste seguimento com certeza é "CRUZADA" com Orlando Bloom no papel principal, mais Liam Neeson, Eva Green, Edward Norton,... Realmente um filme épico e que conta a historia das Cruzadas com uma atuação de Bloom que merece um Oscar. Quando comecei a assistir ARN sem pretensão nenhuma. Mas me surpreendi com o filme, sem estrela no elenco com ressalva a Stellan Skarsgard o restante do elenco desconhecido, tanto protagonista Joakim Natterqvist que fez uma excelente atuação, tanto quanto Sofia Helin. Uma estoria que começa como aqueles de conto de fada, onde a princesa tem que sofre e sofre; e no final ter o final feliz com seu príncipe. Mas isso aconte. Traída pela irmã ciumenta, ela acaba sendo condenada a viver em um convento como penitencia de uma mentira de sua irmã. Porém seu coração guardado para Joakim que também recebe um destino que separa os 2 e ele vai para as Cruzadas separado de sua amada e de seu filho. Mas que promete voltar para os 2. Com toda a guerra contra Saladino o líder dos mulçumanos e também contra gente de sua própria gente. Ele tem que vencer, porém as inimizades geradas acabam confinando-o ainda mais. E surge uma falsa conversa que ele havia morrido, assim sua amada desfalece. Após a perda da guerra contra Saladino, mas ele é o único soldado que Saladino deixa vivo. Até que se reencontram, quando parece que tudo terminou bem, engano seu. Pois em sua própria terra havia mais uma guerra. Que ele vence mas sua vida é tomada. Um filme que realmente é um drama. Uma produção que não tem o orçamento de "Cruzada", mas bem executada e representada. Parabéns pela obra. Roteiro e enredo Contém bem mais estoria, que o filme "CRUZADA" e drama Shakespiriano do casal protagonista do filme, que uma hora mostrava o drama de um e outra o drama do outro. Um filme que nos toca. Parabéns. Vale apena assistir? Com certeza. Nota: 8,75 Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 07/24/23 Full Review Audience Member Are you kidding me? This movie was terrible and had no action. It was like watching Monty python. There’s a scene with a dude getting hit off a horse by a tree branch, which was the highlight of the film. 2 hours I can’t have back Rated 1 out of 5 stars 12/28/22 Full Review Audience Member It's not a bad movie, not on a technical level and it's fairly competent at telling it's story. The characters were all right, although I wish they were fleshed out a bit more. However like so many other movies it had a hard time being historically accurate. The part I am thinking of in particular is when the two main characters commit adultery. While I'm not familiar with what Sweden was like in the middle ages, it was Catholic and so I found it a bit odd that they were not sentenced to death, rather than twenty years in a monastery. The movie switches between being predictable and unpredictable, ending up with a good balance. Overall I'd say it's average. Not a great movie, but certainly not bad. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/09/23 Full Review Audience Member Slow I thought. The story was ok. Not the best crusader type movie I ever saw. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/11/23 Full Review Audience Member Not as exciting or adventurous as I had hoped but it was a good movie. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/31/23 Full Review Audience Member The film's meaning is that based in faith, so its progression can be readily discerned by looking to the Heavens for said meaning. As most Christians know, life is not about serving oneself or simply attempting to maintain ease and comfort, but to serve a Higher Power. From the outset, Arn Magnusson is meant for greatness. Not greatness according to man--wealth, titles, and power--but to what God desires. This point is born out in Cecilia's statement to Arn: "You were meant not to win wars but to bring peace." At the outset, we discover that Arn has been given the skills of a warrior, so that instead of paying for his sexual sins locked up as a monk, he is told he must serve in God's army. The next major event--Arn kills a group of bandits inadvertently protecting every Christian's enemy, sultan Saladin--works well to maintain the On High plot of Arn's life of service and merit to all things Eternal, serving a greater, not lesser short-sighted human need. Because Arn has met and befriended Saradin, knowing him best, he is allowed to lead the attack against Saradin in the dessert. Catching him by surprise, Arn's army defeats Saradin's forces. Nevertheless, Saradin wins the next battle, slaughtering all the Christians like "dogs," but Sardin allows Arn to live out of respect for the great warrior, but even more importantly, out of honour and respect Saradin sends Arn home pledging peace. Here, the Higher Power uses war to bring together two men of honour to preserve greater peace for the long run, rather than to risk eternal ruin. Finally, Arn returns home to reunite with his love and his son. Great celebration and peace reigns, but it is only temporary, for there is internal strife and a battle ensues over the control of the kingdom. Hollywood would probably allow Arn to win, which he did, but to live with Cecilia happily ever after as well. But a Higher Power sees things differently. God has allowed Arn to earn much honour, to serve Him well in generating the peace Cecilia prophesied, but the great warrior must seal his dedication to God and peace with his blood, such an ending the coup de grace to a wonderful epic. A very well acted, well written, and produced film. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 02/03/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Arn: The Knight Templar

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Movie Info

Synopsis A disgraced man (Joakim Nätterqvist) travels to Jerusalem to join the Knights Templar.
Peter Flinth
Waldemar Bergendahl, Hans Lönnerheden, Jan Marnell
Hans Gunnarsson
Production Co
AMC Pictures
History, Drama
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Feb 25, 2017
2h 19m