Audience Member
A sloppy annoying cuck, and his wanna be girlfriend, literally act like little kids. Go to some house and play grab ass, lbjt dairy queen games and murder some junkies in weak fashion. The only thing disturbing about this, is the acting. With its Bevis and Butthead vibe, and without anything that would spark interest. It doesn't look real despite the grainy footage. It's awful attempt of a movie, if not the worst I've ever seen. It's so terrible in every way, maybe you could laugh at these fools thinking they've done something outside the box. Failure!
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
Unlike the original entry to this trilogy, August Underground's Mordum sucks ass. What was originally "non-acting" for a casual realism became a vicious over-acting to try and fill the gaps between vile filth. The addition of a third person (the woman) made this feel much more extravagant and unnatural, due heavily in part by the third killer's obnoxious screeching, cursing, and ability to puke on command; her "strengths" here were overblown to an absurd degree. As the actor's part in the movie, she felt like the annoying friend at a party. The original on screen killer (Fred Vogel) takes a massive backseat in this film, and when he is around his only contribution is to be the big dumb asshole that somehow manages to still hide a basement torture chamber. As far as the filthy, vile, horrifying aspect of these characters, the goal was unfortunately met. There were some truly gut wrenching moments here, some of the sickest shit I've ever seen. I am actually selling my copy because I'd rather not keep such hell in my home. But it wasn't good! It was filthy scenes and actions haphazardly thrown together FOR the camera. The original gave the impression that the camera was an afterthought and a tag along in every life aspect, not just murder. Mordum only exists to top its predecessor. A woman is gutted and the wound is fucked, a newborn is seen decapitated in a barrel, the corpse of a child is seen being sodomized for a VERY long time. This movie is a nightmare with none of the visceral "charm" of the first. Don't watch this. Even as a fan and seeker of horrible underground horror movies, this was nauseating garbage with no redemption.
Rated 1/5 Stars •
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
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steve d
Cheaply made and gross for the sake of gore just like the other August Undergrounds.
Rated 1/5 Stars •
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
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If you watch a film that has you questioning "how fucked up am I to watch it?", no matter how good or bad the film is it has done its job by making you feel absolutely fucked up. Fred Vogel achieves this by bringing us the second installment of the faux snuff film series where he also stars as the lead psychopath Peter. This time he is joined by his partner the equally sadistic Crusty and her deranged younger brother Maggot. Just like its predecessor, the film is set in amateur found footage way, showing the trio getting their kicks by committing heinous murders for their satisfaction.
This film has every type of depravity you can think of from sadomasochism, torture, mutilation, rape, child murder and much more. In theory, the movie is pointless, there is no storyline, lack of connection from any characters and it just pointlessly barbaric. However, this film does achieve what it intended. The grainy amateur feel, the sickening content and the mentally declining stability of the characters will leave a mark on your mind for a while.
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
From the very moment this film began, with it's incomprehensible, poorly established opening shot on a cheap, handheld camera, I knew I was in trouble. 'Films' like this repeatedly force the audience to ask that age-old question: Why? Why does this need to exist, what is the point of it? Why did people who could have been doing something far more useful and productive waste their time and effort making such irredeemable garbage like this? The dialogue is mostly too quiet to be audible, and the rest of it is shouted insults. Nothing of interest happens, just an endless cycle of depravities. When will filmmakers like this learn that the analysis of perversions, why they develop and what they can lead to etc, is what is interesting to those watching, not the perversions themselves. Nothing here is worth watching once, let alone multiple times, and the fact that this movie is part of a trilogy makes me actively weep. Forgive me if I choose to stay well away from the others, as should you.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
This is one of those movies you watch by yourself in the dark, without having your back to a wall. Harrowing, depraved, and just totally whacked.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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