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Badland Hunters

Play trailer 1:23 Poster for Badland Hunters 2024 1h 47m Action Sci-Fi Mystery & Thriller Play Trailer Watchlist
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67% Tomatometer 21 Reviews 57% Popcornmeter 100+ Ratings
Years after Seoul turns into an apocalyptic wasteland, a tough huntsman takes matters into his own hands when a teenager he's close to is abducted by a mad doctor who conducts experiments on humans.
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Badland Hunters

Badland Hunters

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Badland Hunters entertains with all-out action, even if the story's far less impressive than the fight scenes.

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Critics Reviews

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Peter Rainer FilmWeek (KPCC - NPR Los Angeles) If you like Concrete Utopia, this really extends the madness of that film. Feb 1, 2024 Full Review Louisa Moore Screen Zealots A low-level streamer that might serve as a mildly satisfying, casual watch for those with a penchant for disaster films and dystopian settings. Jun 4, 2024 Full Review William Schwartz HanCinema "Badland Hunters" isn't exactly a bad movie, there's just not very much about it you can treat very seriously. May 4, 2024 Full Review Cris Kennedy Inner East Review Writers Kim Bo-tong and Kwak Jae-min don't waste too much time on character development beyond the cursory, or the violent, but I'm not sure we're really looking for any. Feb 14, 2024 Full Review Sayantan Gayen CBR Badland Hunters may not be a cinephile's typical cup of tea, nor does it have the ambitious bite, grounded drama, and social commentary of Concrete Utopia. But this does not mean Don Lee's latest feature is anything less of a knockout. Feb 9, 2024 Full Review JK Sooja Common Sense Media Paced well and to the point, there's not much dillydallying in Badland Hunters, but there is a ton of violence, blood, gore, and killing. Feb 6, 2024 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Carlos T Filme: Em Ruínas Assistido: 6-12-24 Elenco: @donlee @jeongeuiyam @real_2junyoung @jihyeahn_ @lee.hee.jun Modelo: #apocaliptico #ação Duração: 1h 47 m Ano: 2024 Minha opinião: Um filme pós-apocaliptico, ao invés de utilizar zumbis, aqui utilizam mutações. Tipo o homem-Lagarto (inimigo do Homem-Aranha) ou ao estilo da novela Mutantes da Record. Em um Mundo onde tipo esta destruído e todos vivem como MAd Max, Mazer Runner, O Livro de Eli,... Todos passando por necessidades e a sociedade dividida em castas dos sobreviventes, dos maus feitores e aqui um 3º grupo do Dr. Hardy ou Dr. Victor Frankenstain. Onde para criar uma raça mais forte ele começa a mistura o genoma humano com o de animais. Mas para isso ele precisa de jovens adolescentes para criar o soro. E para atrair as famílias para seu complexo ele fornece água, um tesouro valioso para sobrevivência. Mas que esta água batizada com o soro. E temos aqui Ma Dong que quer dizer que tem porradaria. E a sua missão é salvar Sun-na, ela que desconfia de todo aquele complexo e pessoas. Até chegar a descobrir a verdadeira intenções e é capturada para ser a cobaia. Roteiro e enredo o interessante é ter usado mutantes ao invés de zumbis. O filme esta mais para ser trash. Em resumo um filme razoável. Vale apena assistir? Sim para quem curte o estilo. Nota: 7 Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 12/06/24 Full Review Lúcio Leonardo P Entertainment that is a good option for those who enjoy action films with natural disasters. It has a good cast, good photography and an eye-catching plot that unfolds well until reaching its final arc, where the small flaws become huge, transforming the entire film production into ruins... Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 10/31/24 Full Review Sarfaraz A This South Korean post-apocalyptic film marks Heo Myung-haeng's directorial debut. The film stars Ma Dong-seok, Lee Hee-joon, Lee Jun-young, Roh Jeong-eui, and Ahn Ji-hye. The story revolves around a wasteland hunter (Ma Dong-seok) and his friend, who are forced to work together to rescue a close acquaintance, an 18-year-old young woman and her grandmother, from a militarized apartment where a mad doctor is performing experiments on children in exchange for clean water and shelter. They are also joined by a lady sergeant (Ahn Ji-hye), who left her supervisor when he violated ethics and morals by participating in the crazy doctor's program of child abuse. Some critics criticized the story of this Asian film as too unattainable, as if they make the same astute assessments when giving praise and high scores to superhero Marvel films. The film features an intriguing story that keeps viewers engaged. It offers enjoyable action scenes, particularly fight scenes. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 10/23/24 Full Review 성윤 김 TRASH! Probability, story, acting, and CG are all a mess! It's such a waste to even invest one minute in this movie!😒 And zombie again?! Korean movies keep using zombie stuff to the point where it's so boring😮‍💨. No fresh ideas? Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 06/08/24 Full Review Audience Member ECHSENMENSCHEN, ES GIBT SIE WIRKLICH Nach einem verheerenden Erdbeben ist die Menschheit am Rande der Existenz. Nach 3 Jahren haben sich die wenigen Überlebenden zu kleinen Gruppen zusammen gerottet. Der brummige Jäger Nam-san versorgt dabei eine solche Gruppe mit Fleisch. Als ein paar Banditen von Nam-san in die Flucht geschlagen wurden, fand er heraus das es in einem Wohnhaus noch klares Wasser gibt. Aus eben jenem Haus sucht eine Lehrerin Familien mit Kindern um eine neue Menschheit aufzubauen. Als Nam-san herausfindet das mit dieser Truppe was nicht stimmt, bleibt dabei kein Stein mehr auf dem anderen. Badland Hunters geht ca. 107 Minuten und ist ab 16 Jahren freigegeben. Wir haben hier eine südkoreanische Action Sci-Fi Streifen mit Haudrauf Granate Don Lee, der als übermächtiger und sprüche klopfender Brummbär die Menschen vor einem verrückten Wissenschaftler rettet. Die Action ist wirklich überzeugend, die Kämpfe sind wuchtig und blutig, gerade zum Finale hin. Die besten Sprüche kommen einfach von Don Lee, besonders in Bezug auf eine Dame die ein Auge auf ihn geworfen hat kugelt man sich vor Lachen. Die Handlung zieht sich leider im mittleren Teil etwas, da wird dann der Plan des Bösewichts erklärt und zeigt wie bescheuert Menschen in der Postapokalypse sein müssen, wenn Eltern auf seinen Quatsch reinfallen. Das Finale ist dann eine Orgie aus Gewalt, Ballerei und der Beginn einer Romanze, ok das letzte eher nicht. Am Ende bleibt ein spaßiger Endzeit Streifen der mit guter Action, einem klasse Hauptdarsteller und mal mehr mal weniger guten CGI überzeugen kann. Einzig die schwachen Nebenfiguren, der Hänger in der Mitte und der klischeehafte Bösewicht trüben die Freude. Von mir bekommt der Film 7/10 Punkten. Mit solchen Sprüchen die Don Lee hier bekommt macht er seinen Ruf als koreanischer Bud Spencer alle Ehre. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 05/24/24 Full Review Patrick S Lots of good fight action. The plot is pretty twisted. I liked it. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 03/30/24 Full Review Read all reviews
Badland Hunters

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Movie Info

Synopsis Years after Seoul turns into an apocalyptic wasteland, a tough huntsman takes matters into his own hands when a teenager he's close to is abducted by a mad doctor who conducts experiments on humans.
Heo Myeong-haeng
Kim Bo-tong, Kwak Jae-min
Production Co
Big Punch Pictures, Nova Films, Climax Studio
Action, Sci-Fi, Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Jan 26, 2024
1h 47m
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