Audience Member
The movie was ok but the trailer was a bit deceptive. I thought the students were going to become obsessed with the teacher but the teacher was going to professional. However the latter does not happen and that made it a bit difficult to watch and be ok with the the character development.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Spoilers: Teen rivalries, in crowd, out crowd, hormones, emotions, anything could happen, and it is that suspense and tension that keeps us interested. Quinn did everything but the windows, and is only 27 now, with a future so bright, she's bound to need shades. Nadia and Chris Messina played this pitch-perfectly, her face so expressive, and the music fit the script so well. The ability of Nadia and even Quinn to be more than one thing, to act out so well untruths, showed the spirit of lying that nailed the "witch" females in "The Crucible." The pacing and editing could have been slightly better, but Quinn had to lay down the teen miscreant behavior to remind what everyone -- teacher, cop, parent, administrator and a horde of teens -- had to deal with and the pressures they faced. Quinn's little half smile at Nadia and Nadia's resigned look at the end was as if to say we both know who's the loser here. So well done, even lining up the cash, Quinn.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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This was a long movie and when it finishes up I realized it tells a different story completely.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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I really liked this film. Very well-made, well-written and well-acted. Quinn Shepherd was FANTASTIC (and is UNSPEAKABLY Beautiful), and I guess it's a testament to how good Nadia Alexander is in her role that I REALLY *HATED* her character in this (as you're SUPPOSED to)! Melissa is a COMPLETE, INTERSTELLAR B*TCH to Abigail, right from the jump, and her unrelenting meanness & cruelty towards Abigail made it hard for me to finish the movie sometimes (in fact, I STOPPED watching it SEVERAL times, as I just couldn't take watching her unbelievable cruelty. I just said "Screw this. I can't watch any more of this b*tch"). I found myself wishing awful things upon her: like maybe a plane might fall out of the sky on her house, or she might get ripped apart by a pack of Pit Bulls, or she might get jumped & beaten to a bloody pulp by a bunch of gang girls, or that she might accidentally be hacked to bits by a chainsaw... She was THAT evil! And I guess that is to say she did an awesome job! When an actress can make you feel something THAT visceral, she's doing something right! They say, in filmmaking, that even the villains are supposed to have SOME redeemable qualities, though, so we can sympathize with them somewhat. The only thing Melissa had going for her was her Hotness. But this was largely undercut by her incredible b*tchiness. Audiences may have a hard time wanting to watch her onscreen, because there's just ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to like about her, or have any compassion for (Personally, I just wanted her DEAD). So, I guess, if this film has a flaw, it could be that the character of Melissa was played TOO well by Nadia Alexander. That's a dubious criticism, to be sure, but I might have been able to make it through the movie a bit better had I been able to sympathize with Melissa even a LITTLE bit. Still loved the movie, though. Will definitely watch it again.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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I seriously expected more thrills out of this one
The actresses are very good though and Chris Messina is spot-on as this teacher
Two students are caught up in a love triangle with their teacher but the emotions keep getting toyed with and tensions continue to rise
We also understand towards the end why one of them is jealous with rage
If something is done wrong where do we place the blame? Is it fair to point the finger at others or ourselves?
This takes a lot of elements from the play The Crucible which acts as a nice parallel
It just would've been nice for the movie to have more thrills and melodrama cause I think for most viewers this premise might feel very stretched out
But ‘Blame' does make a situation like this quite life-like
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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I really don't understand movies like this. They are slow developing, but they keep you hooked with the expectation that s*** is going to hit the fan at some point, but then, it just never happens. The movie ends with no resolutions and no climax. So a rating of "meh, it passed the time" has never been more accurate.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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