Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of Lama Rama
Where to Watch
Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of Lama Rama
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Cast & Crew
John Andreas Andersen
Lisa Marie Gamlem
Kyrre Haugen Sydness
Kaptein Sabeltann
Vinjar Pettersen
Odd Magnus Williamson
Fridtjov Såheim
Bjørn Barsk
Captain Sabertooth and the Treasure of Lama Rama
Movie Info
Director -
John Andreas Andersen , Lisa Marie Gamlem -
Producer -
Lars Andreas Hellebust , Frederick Howard , Gudny Hummelvoll , Fredrik Støbakk -
Screenwriter -
Lars Gudmestad -
Production Co -
Storm Films , Storm Productions , Norwegian Pirates -
Genre -
Kids & Family , Action , Adventure , Comedy -
Original Language -
Norwegian -
Release Date (Streaming) -
Mar 10, 2017 -
Runtime -
1h 36m