Daniel C. M
King Hu's dynamic and expansive direction and co-ordenation with the actors alongside very good characters and comedy help elevate this wuxia with a shallow and bland script.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
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Robson C
Um grupo de bandidos ataca um comboio oficial e sequestra o filho do governador. Eles desejam trocar ele pelo chefe deles que está para ser executado. Para resgatá-lo, é enviada a agente Andorinha Dourada, que tem grandes habilidades em artes marciais, porém isso acaba não sendo o bastante. É quando surge a figura de um mendigo beberrão que passa a ajudar Andorinha. Considerado um clássico nos filmes do gênero artes marciais, o filme apresenta coreografias que se tornariam clássicas. Um exemplo é a cena da hospedaria que deve ter servido com inspiração e base para uma cena parecida no filme O Tigre e o Dragão. Não espere grande profundidade dos personagens. Os clichês são usados e abusados. Os bandidos são maus mesmo. A mistura de comédia e ação. Personagens misteriosos a la Clint Eastwood, com grandes segredos. Porém o que foi bem construído e conduzido nas duas primeiras partes do filme, se perde no terço final, com um final que não fecha bem algumas coisas de alguns personagens. Não sei se houve uma continuação, pois isso explicaria um pouco esse final. Um outro ponto é que, de início, o protagonismo era da Andorinha Dourada, mas em um determinado ponto, o personagem do mendigo assume, ofuscando a Andorinha. Até parece que não é a mesma personagem que enfrentou os bandidos sozinha. Isso só é resgatado no final do filme. Entendo que seja considerado um clássico, criando parâmetros e estereótipos que foram seguidos em outros filmes posteriores, não me agradou como um grande filme do gênero.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
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Audience Member
The funniest Chinese movie ever, LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
When a general's son is taken hostage as ransom to free a bandit leader, the general's daughter Golden Swallow (Cheng Pei-pei, who Western audiences may recognize as Jade Fox from Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon) goes to rescue her brother and battle the bandit gang. She's protected by a drunk named Fan Da-Pei (Yueh Hua), who is really Drunken Cat, a secret martial arts master, who saves her from a poison dart.
The bandits have worked their way into a monastery led by an evil abbot named Liao Kung (Yeung Chi-hing), who once helped Fan Da-Pei to be accepted into the school that taught them both their martial arts skills. As a result, the hero doesn't want to battle him. He also believes that there's no way their battle won't end in death.
Director King Hu also made A Touch of Zen, which is an essential Hong Kong film. There's an urban legend that Jackie Chan is rumored to play one of the child singers at the beginning of the film, but Pei-Pei Cheng has stated that he is not in the movie.
I'm really excited that Arrow is releasing so many Shaw Brothers movies. I love that I can finally own high quality versions of these films and watch them over and over again.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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William L
Traditionally structured and light on the practical effects, but featuring strong action choreography and entertaining characters, Come Drink with Me was one of the progenitors of the Hong Kong martial arts film movement that has in essence never stopped. Considered in the context of today's standards for the genre, it won't compare favorably with its intermittent singing, straightforward protagonists, and virtual suerpowers introduced by the end (conveyed via smoke pushed out of a tube in a sleeve). But with such a vibrant color palette, almost lyrical sense of motion, and elaborate set design, the film is a rather entertaining piece of film whose influence can be felt in films produced many decades later.
For a convincing introduction of a badass character, look no further than Cheng Pei-Pei as Golden Swallow drinking wine in a bar while getting creative with the cutlery. (3.5/5)
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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s r
1001 movies to see before you die.
Certainly one of the best kung fu films ever made that will influence the genre forever.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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