Marco L
(CASTELLANO) Las comedias de colegas pueden salir bien o ser un desastre, y Vaya par de polis se queda en un punto intermedio. La película sigue la clásica fórmula de dos policías con personalidades opuestas, pero el guion no tiene chispa y los diálogos rara vez consiguen hacer gracia de verdad. Bruce Willis y Tracy Morgan intentan salvar la película con su carisma, pero la falta de química entre ellos y una historia poco trabajada hacen que todo se sienta forzado y sin rumbo.
El gran problema es que no consigue combinar bien la comedia con la acción. Algunos chistes funcionan, pero la mayoría son predecibles o simplemente no tienen gracia. Las escenas de acción tampoco destacan y muchas veces parecen metidas con calzador. Kevin Smith, que sabe manejar la comedia irreverente, aquí no logra darle a la película el ritmo necesario, y el resultado es una sucesión de gags que rara vez funcionan.
Al final, Vaya par de polis no es un desastre absoluto, pero tampoco tiene nada que la haga destacar. Algún momento aislado puede entretener, pero es una película fácilmente olvidable dentro del género.
(ENGLISH) Buddy cop comedies can either be a hit or a complete disaster, and Cop Out falls somewhere in between. The movie follows the classic formula of two mismatched cops forced to work together, but the script lacks spark, and the jokes rarely land. Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan try to carry the film with their charisma, but their lack of chemistry and a weak storyline make everything feel forced and aimless.
The biggest issue is that it fails to balance comedy and action. Some jokes work, but most are predictable or simply fall flat. The action scenes don't stand out either, often feeling shoehorned in. Kevin Smith, who usually excels at irreverent comedy, struggles to give the film the rhythm it needs, resulting in a string of gags that rarely hit the mark.
In the end, Cop Out isn’t a total disaster, but it doesn’t have anything memorable either. There are a few entertaining moments, but overall, it’s a forgettable entry in the genre.
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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Sérgio N
An attempt at a police comedy, in the style of the 80s/90s, but it was just an attempt.
We know that Bruce did a lot of this, and with some success, but here it was something completely out of the ordinary. Almost nothing is salvageable.
Tracy Morgan, who has several nuclear bombs in her career, and for that reason we can't expect much, managed to be even more irritating. Several scenes of great embarrassment.
Kevin Smith is another with a war-worthy arsenal in his directorial history, including some well-known series, such as Flash and Supergirl, but he deserves a lot of respect for having managed to finish this gem.
Anyway... a really bizarre nonsense, which is only worth it for the curiosity of the eternal Bruce and one or two reasonable jokes.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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thiago s
Filme bacana, o roteiro é bacaninha, a dupla bruce Wilis e Tracy morgan é bacana, porém o filme tem fazer ação com comédia e meio que funciona, mas as cenas deixam o filme meio fraco, teve uma cena boa que dave um amigo da dupla, tentou subir a árvore ele escorregou e bate a cabeça no muro e morreu na hora, no final eles conseguem resgatar a garota e acabou o filme.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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Lainie B
38 minutes in, and I turned it over. I love Bruce, but this was not his finest. And Tracy, loud but no substance. Sorry guys
Rated 1/5 Stars •
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
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alan g
Bad movie. Who thought Tracy Morgan could act anyway? Bruce Willis phones it in. And they made a sequel?
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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jacob b
The one movie Kevin Smith directed but didn't write really shows. There's none of his wit, enjoyable discussions on how there's no way everyone on Death Star II was a bad guy or ability to provoke thoughts amidst all the swearing. He's very much directing somebody else's film whose script is filled with lame pop-culture references and tons of buddy cop clichés. Lethal Weapon or Hot Fuzz, this is not (I've never seen The Other Guys). Cop Out is not good, in case you couldn't tell. It's an unfunny, by-the-numbers action comedy whose leads lack any chemistry and whose best jokes were all in the trailers, naturally. Which include Seann William Scott, by the way. Yes, Stifler is in most of the marketing but he's nowhere near as prominent in the film as the trailers might have you believe. If you think he's going to be the Joe Pesci to our two heroes' Riggs and Murtaugh, you've got another thing coming. And the gags that hit only made me giggle rather than LOL like in the View Askewniverse or the retconned-into-the-'verse Zack and Miri. The set-up seems okay and there could've been something decent in here, especially with a rather dark villain but Cop Out sadly missed the mark. An unfunny, directed-on-autopilot, awkwardly-placed buddy cop film whose behind-the-scenes drama is arguably more memorable than the movie itself. Can't say I blame Smith for abandoning the mainstream after this oddball in his filmography; as a director-for-hire.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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