Cowboys and Indians: The Killing of J.J. Harper
Where to Watch
Cowboys and Indians: The Killing of J.J. Harper
Rent Cowboys and Indians: The Killing of J.J. Harper on Fandango at Home, or buy it on Fandango at Home.
My Rating
Cast & Crew
Norma Bailey
Adam Beach
JJ Harper
Eric Schweig
Harry Wood
Currie Graham
Constable Robert Cross
Harlan Bruyere
Elijah Harper
Jack Blum
Harvey Pollock, QC
Cowboys and Indians: The Killing of J.J. Harper
Movie Info
Director -
Norma Bailey -
Producer -
Jeremy Torrie , Eric Jordan -
Screenwriter -
Andrew Rai Berzins -
Rating -
TV-14 -
Genre -
Drama -
Original Language -
English -
Release Date (Streaming) -
May 29, 2018 -
Runtime -
1h 36m