James B
While nothing really happens apart from a few deaths it still manages to be entertaining even though it is some what a rehash of the original one.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
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Gabriel W
Das Omen 2
Die inoffiziellen Fortsetzungen der Omen Reihe, ist die Final Destination Reihe. Wie der Titel Omen ankündigt geht es, zwar um den Sohn des Teufels. Jedoch sind es die "Unfälle", die durch das Omen angekündigt werden, die diese Filme schon derzeit auf eine andere Ebene gehieft haben.
Der Splatter hat eine eigene Dramaturgie und einen besonderen Impact. In der Final Destination Reihe mögen die Unfälle kreativ und auch stellenweise unerwartet sein, aber es fehlt ihnen diese besondere Geschichte dahinter. Auch wenn es ein Konstrukt gibt.
Während im Omen Teil 1 es gar nicht so klar ist, ob Damien tatsächlich der Sohn des Teufels sein soll, ist es in dieser Coming of Age Fortsetzung schon klarer. In einer Schlüsselszene wirkt es fast wie ein Coming out.
Es gibt Szenen, wie das verbale Duell zwischen Damien und einem Lehrer, die man nicht so schnell vergisst. Es scheint, als wäre so etwas heute nicht mehr möglich.
Auch die Aufzugszene, wie der Köpfer mit der Glasplatte im ersten Teil, ist gelungen.
Versuche Fortsetzungen oder Remakes zu drehen gelingen nicht wirklich.
Zu sehr ist man versteift auf die "Sohn des Teufels" Geschichte. MmN müsste man Remakes oder Fortsetzungen so drehen, wie die Final Destination Filme.
Sonst macht auch der Titel "Omen" wenig Sinn.
Für mich sind Teil 1 und Teil 2 von das Omen unübertroffen.
Absolut Sehenswert.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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Sérgio N
7 anos após os eventos do primeiro filme (2 no nosso multiverso), o capirotinho continua sua jornada pra quem sabe um dia, dominar nosso globo azul.
Aqui não temos mais aquele clima sombrio congelante do primeiro devido a diversos fatores, mas o suspense e até certo ponto, o desenvolvimento do personagem central é relativamente aceitável. Não sei se a ideia inicial era uma trilogia, mas analisando por essa perspectiva, o próximo filme complementaria esse.
Mas, apesar de grandes nomes como William Holden, Lee Grant e até a participação do Lance Henriksen, o que deveria entregar mais (Jonathan Scott-Taylor), não convenceu tanto quanto Harvey Stephens.
Mike Hodges, que deixou no meio do caminho, não tem muita coisa impactante no currículo (só notei o "colossal" Flash Gordon de 1980), e Don Taylor, que acabou assumindo, dirigiu muitos clássicos, como por exemplo, Escape from the Planet of the Apes.
1976 - The Omen (4,5)
1978 - Damien: Omen II (3)
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Giovana L
Totalmente diferente do filme anterior,a trama é mais lenta,as mortes são sem graça (algumas sem sentido),as atuações dos atores são boas mas o filme é medíocre, você até torce pras pessoas morrerem logo,de tão chato e entediante que é,nem dá tempo pra criar empatia pelas vítimas do menino lá, elas literalmente são "jogadas" na história,menos de 10 minutos depois,ela morre,de maneira tão óbvia,parece aqueles filme trash(não sei se é),deu vontade de rir.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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Matthew D
An entertaining rehash of The Omen.
Damien - Omen II (1978) is a competent and intriguing sequel to one of the greatest horror films ever made from the legendary Richard Donner. Don Taylor is no Donner, but he is clearly a thoughtful director in his own way. On one hand, it is slowly paced, poorly written, and a derivative sequel that borrows heavily from the plot points and aesthetic of The Omen.
On the other hand, it is fairly well directed, as many shots look quite beautiful or just cool with the Chicago backdrop and familiar setting. Fancy offices, luxurious lodges, icy lakes, scenic forests, and Chicago streets and train yards complement Damien - Omen II's horror atmosphere.
Nice setups and payoffs make the deaths exciting, while not as shocking as The Omen's atrocities. There are a couple cute mini models and rag doll usage during the deaths. The obvious stunt doubles, prop wigs, and fake bird will take you out of the movie. However, the deaths are still grisly with some neat movie tricks to make them look more horrific.
The Omen theme still ever present with some nice callbacks to The Omen sonically. The score is still scary, but some moments do not need the jump scare of the soundtrack chiming in, honestly. I still think most audiences will enjoy the score to Damien - Omen II.
The acting is probably the movie's saving grace. Overall, the cast is a downgrade from the acting excellence from The Omen. However, Jonathan Scott-Taylor is quite demonic and cruel as a teenage Damien Thorn. He essentially carries the film as we follow him through much of his day.
Notably, William Holden is no Gregory Peck, but he is pretty engaging whenever he is on screen. The problem lies in that Holden is heavily underutilized, only getting some great moments towards the last third of the film. Lee Grant is alright as the overly dedicated mother to Damien. Nicholas Pryor is a pleasant surprise as the kindly Dr. friend to the Thorn family. His shocked and scared reactions are great and sometimes subtle.
Oddly, Damien - Omen II focuses much of its screen time on Robert Foxworth. He is charismatic in a sleazy and underhanded kind of way, but Holden should have been the main lead that we follow throughout the movie.
Overall, this is a surprisingly well done sequel. Damien - Omen II is nice for a single watch to see where The Omen left off and how Damien's rise to power continues. It does feel a little dull and slow at times when it focuses on the Thorn company inducing a man made famine for profit, but the stuff with Damien is cool.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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David I
It’s a decent sequel, certainly not great, but if you like the first one, which I did, it’s still worth watching. With that being said, for how great the first one was it is still a disappointment
The problem with the sequel is the pace it feels more rushed. And the first one had more depth to it.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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