Nico L
From the very first frame, Die Alone evokes the haunting desolation of 28 Days Later, as its protagonist, Ethan, wanders eerily vacant streets, the absence of life raising immediate questions. The premise is an intriguing one—Ethan and his girlfriend are in a car accident. When he regains consciousness, she’s gone, and the world has inexplicably fallen into a post-apocalyptic nightmare. What happened? Where is everyone? The setup is gripping, setting the stage for an unraveling mystery.
Adding to the intrigue, Ethan suffers from amnesia—a narrative device that could have felt overused but is instead wielded effectively, ensuring the film never becomes repetitive. Each time he wakes, memories slip through his grasp, keeping both Ethan and the audience disoriented just enough to remain engaged. More impressively, Die Alone plays with time in a surprisingly elegant manner, seamlessly interweaving two distinct timelines—pre- and post-accident—urging us to piece together the puzzle.
Unfortunately, the film doesn’t sustain its mystery for long. The revelation of what caused the world’s downfall arrives far too soon, deflating much of the tension. However, the dual-timeline approach keeps things engaging, ensuring the film doesn’t entirely lose momentum.
And then there’s the inevitable reveal: this is, at its core, a zombie movie—sort of. These undead creatures are a departure from the genre’s modern archetypes. They’re not the hyper-aggressive sprinters of World War Z, nor do they drop from a well-placed headshot. Instead, they’re strangely fungal, reminiscent of The Last of Us, their grotesque designs bordering on excessive. Imagine if the Ents from Lord of the Rings had a horrifying, undead offspring, and you’d be close to the aesthetic at play here. It’s a bold creative choice, if an odd one.
Thankfully, the zombies themselves aren’t the focal point. They exist as part of the film’s atmosphere, an ever-present but passive element rather than the primary threat. It’s an approach that subverts expectations, and credit must be given for that decision.
On the performance front, Die Alone boasts solid but unremarkable work from Douglas Smith and Carrie-Anne Moss. Their portrayals are competent, their presence welcome, but neither performance elevates the film beyond its narrative constraints.
Where Die Alone stumbles most noticeably is in its pacing. Despite clocking in at a tight 90 minutes, the film drags considerably—a problem becoming increasingly prevalent in modern cinema. With attention spans already under siege by the constant barrage of notifications and distractions, films that fail to maintain momentum risk losing their audiences. The editing here could have been tighter, trimming the fat to keep the energy up.
Then comes the "twist." The problem? It’s not much of a twist at all. The film telegraphs its big reveal far too early, diluting its impact. The underlying concept is clever—fresh, even—but the execution undermines its own potential. What should have been a moment of revelation instead arrives as a confirmation of what we’ve already suspected.
And yet, just when you think you’ve outsmarted the film, Die Alone delivers a final swerve. It’s the kind of moment that makes you sit up in your chair, caught off guard despite your best efforts to stay ahead of the narrative. The film may not have landed its intended twist, but it finds redemption in a last-minute curveball that genuinely surprises.
While Die Alone struggles with pacing and an all-too-obvious reveal, it still manages to offer a unique spin on the post-apocalyptic genre. Its refusal to fully embrace the zombie label works in its favor, and its commitment to playing with time and memory keeps it from feeling stale. If you can endure the slow burn, the film rewards patience with a late-game surprise that makes it just compelling enough to recommend.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Anthony M
A refreshing departure from the usual Zombie movie fare, and well worth your time.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Sean H
Good make up effects can't save a bad script
Rated 1/5 Stars •
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
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Louis R
I loved this movie, you figure it out pretty quick, but it is worth watching to the end, a beautiful zombie romance movie. very well acted, and great effects.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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Very enjoyable. Great story with just the right amount of mystery. Usually not a fan of these kinds of movies but found it really good
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
Really proud of this Saskatchewan made film. So many kind people made this movie and their care shines through. Well crafted with beautiful shots, and an emotionally engaging story.
-Landon Jorgenson
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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