Tom T
There’s an awful lot of weird nipple stuff here for no reason. Yet, it’s all overshadowed by a man with a porcupine ass.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
Couldn't finish it....LAME
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
If anyone ever tells me they have an idea for a movie but can't get it
made, I will tell them about Die You Zombie Bastards! - an ambitiously
bad indie horror flick packed full of every single bad idea everyone on
set could think of. An involved and needlessly complicated script tells
a story so completely amateurish and grade school that it simply can't
be funny. Lead Tim Gerstmar deliberately overacts which is always a bad
idea for a non-actor. I understand they're taking delight in being
cheesy and stupid, but it is just too much to handle. Unless you are a
huge fan of independent cinema, or actually had a part in making this,
I can't imagine liking it. This reminds me of films I made with my
friends on a camcorder when we were in high school. I go back and can
barely watch those, and I was in them. This is like watching those
films, but without the personal connections. While I appreciate this
film took 5 years to make, and the editing and soundtrack are
respectable, it can't make up for the complete lack of humor, horror,
or anything worthwhile. The only thing I could say is that there are
plenty of boobies... but most of them aren't very good, well they're
good, but it doesn't seem to help matters much. Though I'm not a fan of
rating 10s or 1s.... this one really is a waste of your eyesight -
don't bother.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
This was a painfully stupid movie. While it wasn't quite as unwatchable as "Pot Zombies," that's not exactly saying much. The main distinguishing feature between the two is less pot, more dick "jokes," and the fact that I actually chuckled once or twice during DYZB.
"Do you speak English?"
(at the bottom of the screen) "No, but we have subtitles."
But even the smattering of laughs, and the copious amount of rather impressive gratuitous nudity wasn't enough to make this worth watching. Video stores and Netflix are -flooded- with zombie films; there's no good reason to waste your time on this one.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
No! This movie and every movie I've seen by this production company has been PAINFULLY bad.
This retarded shit was no exception. And I'm a fan of bad movies.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
Ahem...comment dire ? Ce "Die you zombie bastards ! " n'est pas une production Troma...ce n'est MEME pas une production Troma (quand bien meme Lloyd Kaufmann, le grand patron de la firme a peloches pourries, y fait une apparition). C'est une serie Z par defaut, parce que personne n'a encore invente de categorie qui allait au-dela. C'est tourne sans budget apparent, sans logique apparente, sans tabou apparent, par une bande de potes crassement defonces a l'huile de vidange, qui ont trouve marrant de rassembler un super-heros cannibale, un savant fou a tete deformee, des archeologues nymphomanes, une creature des marais au penis hypertrophie et tout un tas d'autres personnages debiles, de filmer tout ce beau monde, globalement incapable de jouer, en 16mm et de noyer le tout sous des tonnes de gore, de cul et d'humour uber-lourd. A ce niveau de nullite navrante, on en arrive presque au cinema d'art et d'essai...un truc impossible a regarder dans son etat normal, quoi.
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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