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Doctor Who: The Infinite Quest

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Tomatometer 1 Reviews 67% Popcornmeter 500+ Ratings

Critics Reviews

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James O'Ehley Sci-Fi Movie Page The front cover of this DVD proclaims it to be a 'feature-length' animation, which is an outright lie. Oct 27, 2008 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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brandon s While the quality of the animation may be debatable, the music, the story, the voice acting, and the script of this release are definitely top-notch Doctor Who. It's as if someone took an entire series of Doctor Who and compacted it into a single animated normal episode (in fact, that's precisely what was done: originally it was a series of twelve 3-minute episodes that were compiled onto a single release DVD). More precisely, it's what might have been if The Key to Time saga had been compressed into a single 50 minute episode and then animated. It's brilliant, and I loved every second of it. Even more awesome, Anthony Head happened to play the villainous Balthazar: that guys voice just screams classic villain to me. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member I love Doctor Who a lot I have seen this lots of times Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/24/23 Full Review Audience Member A fun, short adventure with the 10th Doctor (Tennant) and Martha Jones (Agyeman). I liked how by having an animated adventure, it allowed the creators to do more crazy locations and creatures for Doctor Who, such as the robotic parrot Squak, or having an Ice planet with a gigantic prison underneath the surface. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 02/01/23 Full Review Audience Member Doctor who is my favourite television show ever to be made in the space time continuam. I know every thing doctor who from 2005-present. I know for a fact, This is one of doctor whos most important facts: DOCTOR WHO WAS NOPT MADE FOR A ANIMATED FEATURE FILM AND THAT FACT IS 100% TRUE AND IF YOU WACH THIS S*** YOU WILL AGREE WITH ME. The whole point of this being made is that it was supposed to make doctor who be seen in a different angle instead of kids thinking that all he does is use brains to defeat the alien and there are no weapons and they dissapointingly turn off the television with a dissapointed look on their faces because thats what kids that like action movies like black hawk down and distric 9 think. So the same thing would work with dumb adults in a way if the targeted person is a doctor lets say they look in the tv guide and see doctor who written down at seven thirty with no description following they will watch it and think some dumba** sci-fi freak kid made it and distance them selfs from this show for enternity. and thats right when i said 'targeted' i was describing this as a prank that russel t davis and those guys are pulling on the kids who ACTUALLY LIKE THIS SHOW. So bascically they are gonna lose their number one fan (wich is me of course.)If they keep this crap going WICH THEY ENJOYABLY HAVE. Dont waste all of your money on this or anything doctor who animated, Unless it is dr who evacuation earth for ds FREAKING awsome game i am telling you know but at the same time it is bloody hard. I dont know about the nintendo wii version but it should be good as well but anyway back to the review! Doctor who is BBC'S best show and they are proud of it including this coz this is doctor who. Thats right i said if they are proud of doctor who making it this far they MUST BE PROUD OF THIS!!! Get stuffed infinite quest and a message to doctor and martha: Abandon quest What quest? The infinite quest turns out it is a suicide mission SO GET THE HELL OUT OF THERE!!! Rated 1 out of 5 stars 02/20/23 Full Review Audience Member Very nice. As a long-time fan, I can appreciate how animation let's them do impossible things you wouldn't see in the live action so. The plot was good, if a bit rushed, and the voice work was impressive. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/14/23 Full Review Audience Member Enjoyable quest adventure for the Doctor and Martha. Anthony Stewart Head does a great job as the villain, and the other voice actors . Well written. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/27/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Doctor Who: The Infinite Quest

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Gary Russell Jr.