Elvis D
La productora Full Moon es conocida por haber realizado buenas pelÃculas de culto y por más que trata de preservar el método de hacer pelÃculas a la vieja escuela con poco presupuesto y efectos prácticos, esta productora paso de hacer pelÃculas de serie B decentes a hacer pelÃculas bizarras de serie Z. Doll Graveyard es prueba de ello, ya que tiene una historia interesante, pero poco original y hasta con unos cuantos clichés. Los muñecos llegan a verse tétricos, en especial la muñeca de porcelana, pero el bajo presupuesto y los escasos efectos especiales hacen que la pelÃcula carezca de cierto encanto. Los efectos son muy obvios y hasta se pueden notar los hilos de los muñecos en algunas partes. Un poco de CGI o animación stop motion hubiese ayudado un poco. Aparte de la pobre producción, tiene una corta duración, lo cual la hace una pelÃcula rápida de digerir. Doll Graveyard es una de esas pelÃculas de bajo presupuesto que solo están para pasar el rato y divertirse un poco. Mi calificación para esta pelÃcula es un 5/10.
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
A nerdy teen finds creepy handmade dolls buried in his backyard, but what he doesn't find is the corpse of a murdered child from 100 years earlier who's spirit has now possesses the dolls. The creepy dolls then violently protect the nerdy teen from bullies who crash his older sister's party. Another case of producer/director/writer Band milking his Puppet Master formula of small toys wreaking havoc on regular sized people (i.e. Dollman, Demonic Toys, Dolls, Parasite Dolls, etc.). This one is not up to Dollman or Puppet Master standards, but it is better than "Parasite Dolls."
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
Easily my favorite (so far) of the plethora of killer doll films from Charles Band and Full Moon Pictures. Almost all of these movies follow the same formula: start off with a flashback, then in present day, each doll will get its own kill, and then take turns killing on a pretty basic rotation, sometimes teaming up for kills later on. Lather, rinse, regurgitate. And while this one is no different, it does sport a pretty darned entertaining script, competent acting, lighting, sound, and overall production. By this time, Charles Band knew what he was making, and didn't try to pretend it was something it wasn't. This is in no way scary, but it is surprisingly bloody in a couple of scenes, and the humor is dead-on. A few scenes that build up to a classic cheap jump scare, with the music (which was pretty much great throughout) swelling and the tension rising, end up with an incredibly silly and funny doll effect that, in my book, are Full Moon gold. A very fun B-movie for a night that offers nothing better to watch.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
Disappointing effort from Band.
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
A great deal of trashy fun where the plot is never explained, the acting is horrible and the dolls are cool killers!
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
This film feels more like a spin-off of the Puppet Master series than just a standalone film, but as it stands, I had a lot of fun watching Doll Graveyard since it hearkens back to the Puppet Master series with its tone and premise. If you liked the Puppet Master films, you'll probably have fun with this film, but if you didn't, you'll hate it. What can I say? I love bad films.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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