For the Love of Christmas 2: A Heart for the Holidays
Where to Watch
For the Love of Christmas 2: A Heart for the Holidays
Rent For the Love of Christmas 2: A Heart for the Holidays on Fandango at Home, or buy it on Fandango at Home.
Cast & Crew
Karlton T. Clay
Donald Ross Jr.
Rashad Williams
Nicole M. Williams
Annie Nichols
Kiara C. Bennett
Faye DeVoe
Ron Way
Junior Williams
Charmeka Robinson
Aretha Williams
For the Love of Christmas 2: A Heart for the Holidays
Movie Info
Director -
Karlton T. Clay -
Producer -
Quincy Kelly -
Screenwriter -
Karlton T. Clay -
Production Co -
Victory Productions, L.L.C. -
Genre -
Holiday , Comedy , Drama -
Original Language -
English -
Runtime -
1h 42m