Marco L
(CASTELLANO) Hay pelis que te dejan con una sensación de 'qué mono todo', ¿sabes? 'Un don excepcional' es de esas. Marc Webb se aleja de los superhéroes y nos trae una historia sencilla, pero que te toca la fibra. Un tío normal y corriente, Frank, se hace cargo de su sobrina, Mary, que resulta ser un cerebrito de las mates.
Lo mejor, sin duda, la química entre Chris Evans y la niña, Mckenna Grace. Es que se nota que se llevan bien, que hay feeling. Evans se olvida del Capitán América y se mete en la piel de un tipo normal, con sus rollos y sus miedos. Y la niña, ¡qué decir! Es un prodigio, pero no de esos que te dan repelús, sino una cría normal y corriente, con sus gracias y sus rabietas.
La historia es de las de pañuelo, no te voy a engañar. Pero no es de esas que te meten el drama con calzador. Es más de sonrisas tontas y de 'qué bonito'. Sí, el debate sobre si la niña tiene que ir a una escuela especial o no se queda un poco en la superficie, pero a mí me dio igual. Yo estaba más pendiente de ver cómo se llevaban tío y sobrina.
Vamos, que si buscas una peli para pasar un rato agradable, para desconectar y para salir del cine con una sonrisa, 'Un don excepcional' es tu peli. No es una obra maestra, pero es de esas que te dejan con el corazón calentito.
(ENGLISH) You know those movies that leave you with a "how cute" feeling? Gifted is one of them. Marc Webb steps away from superheroes to bring us a simple yet heartfelt story. A regular guy, Frank, ends up taking care of his niece, Mary—who turns out to be a math genius.
The best part? Without a doubt, the chemistry between Chris Evans and the young Mckenna Grace. You can tell they genuinely get along, that there's a real connection. Evans completely forgets about Captain America and plays an ordinary guy, dealing with life’s ups and downs. And the kid? What can I say! She’s brilliant but not in an annoying, precocious way—just a regular girl with her quirks, tantrums, and all.
It’s definitely a tearjerker, I won’t lie. But it doesn’t shove the drama in your face. It’s more about those little moments that make you smile and think, "how sweet." Sure, the whole debate about whether Mary should go to a special school or not doesn’t go too deep, but honestly, I didn’t mind. I was more invested in watching the bond between uncle and niece.
So, if you’re looking for a movie to unwind, something that leaves you feeling warm inside, Gifted is your pick. It’s not a masterpiece, but it’s one of those films that make your heart feel just a little bit lighter.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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David D
Very heart warming film that asks lots of difficult questions about responsibility.
In a film with math as part of its plot device, that for viewers there is more than one reasonable resolution is apt.
Finally. Great cast and a live wire of a young actress who steals every scene she is in.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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André Ferreira F
Um filme fraco e sem alma que se sustenta em ótimas atuações. (avaliação: 4/10)
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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David F
Nicely portrays the dilemma many parents must experience between how hard to push a child academically, and letting them grow as a child. Great acting from all especially McKenna who is definitely gifted in this role. Enjoyed all the way through and a happy ending.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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Pheepoom U
It’s a good movie in some aspects, some bad in another, but really good in a few. Especially at portraying how easy school is when you’re that smart. The bits in the movie that are sad or dramatic are pretty good, but everything else is decent. I’d say it’s worth a watch!
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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KerryWhite's S
Rating: 7/10. 73/100
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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