if u watch this movie as if it was a filmed Broadway musical u will see that it is top notch in: performances, set design, lighting, costumes, and of course the music. missed all that? then watch it again. & if u missed the film’s message, repeat til u get it
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Scott F
Prince's direction, interestingly enough, is actually pretty good! The plot centers on a group of nightclubs, all left to Day and The Kid in a will, being run by Day, one run by The Kid. Day is attempting to monopolize the whole area so that he can make as much money as possible and guarantee that all money and traffic is coming to him in the end. The Kid is defiantly using his club for the spiritual message that, by this time, was becoming a lot more important to Prince himself. They reference the fact, repeatedly, that no one at The Kid's club is drinking and so on. He insists that this message is the important thing, the message of love, and Morris insists there is no money in it. The set design is actually pretty interesting, a very obviously studio streetcorner, but with that wonderful appeal of the unrealistically close but detailed building façades, as well as those carefully placed cars in the street. I don't know what it is that I so like about those sets--usually indicative of something stagey like a musical, but I suppose somehow comfortable for their reduced size.
The showcase of the film, obviously, is Prince's music, and the performances put on by him and a handful of others. This soundtrack, overall, is not as strong as his previous film, though. Aura is the main vehicle for the message of the film, a seeming angel, encouraging the Kid to follow spiritual principles in his battle of wills with Morris. She is actually pretty decent at conveying this impression, I feel it's worth noting. And on the same note of performance, His Purple Majesty deserves some recognition for the first time he's writing a letter to his father. Surprisingly well played by the feisty musical virtuoso, and sort of lost in the awkward and amateurish acting of most of the supporting cast behind the three or four main stars. Still, not nearly as awful as it's usually claimed. Splurge on the big popcorn and try Fandango for tickets.
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Chad M
An interesting concept that breaks out of the conventions of cinematic reality and brushes lightly on surrealism. Graffiti Bridge was a good album. An unofficial sequel to Purple Rain, The Kid (Prince) & Morris Day are once again pitted against one another, only this time both are club owners, with The Kid in hock to Day & struggling to make ends meat. Refusing to sign over his club to his archrival, The Kid attempts to settle his debts through a song-writing contest. If he loses, the club goes to Day. The film has its moments - notably musical highlights such as Thieves In The Temple, Shake! & New Power Generation; & Morris Day gives a highly entertaining performance. DIE HARD FANS MUST WATCH THIS RAD MOVIE LOL (see you at the fan meetups!)
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Roy U
Whether during its original cinematic release, or later on cable television, or during its recent theatrical revival, you’ve probably seen Purple Rain. The little film that Hollywood didn’t want, shot on a budget but became a $70 million dollar blockbuster, the flick that transformed Prince from a pop star to heart throb and idol, spawning a soundtrack that has sold over 22 million copies, is a certified jukebox classic. But chances are, you have yet to partake in Graffiti Bridge.
Brilliant is not the word. It’s technically the sequel to Purple Rain, but the only aspects connecting it to the 1984 cinematic classic is Prince and the Time. Otherwise, the two films are nothing alike, not in look, storytelling, or authenticity. The pay-off is watching a musical icon, sporting a sexy new blow-out and slinky 90s fashions performing in all his megastar glory.
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Justine T
Errybody know how Prince love to rollerskate. There was this Valentines skating event he threw that Mr. Eddie Murphy (from the classic Beverley Hills Cop movie), talked about on the Tonight Show and it sounded dope! Well when I got the chance to attend a Prince Tribute event at a roller disco- I had to be there. Its easier to show-off trick moves on old school skates then on inline styles, and after we got our fill skating to When Doves Cry remixes, we had plenty of hot dogs, ice-cold Cokes, plus chips, then settled in for our feature presentation- Graffiti Bridge.
This movies was jokes!!! Prince always know how to keep you glued to yo seat! I chuckled in a few places, I used to act like that back in tha day except i wasnt any kind of famous lol. You need to be known to pull off that level bravado when somebody got chu strung up by your hairstyle! Princes' character has GUTS and i'm hoping there will be a part 2 of this movie so I can do this hoopla all over again...
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Ted R
This is half the reason I love this movie so much. It's very dream-eqsue. I always secretly wished I could go to Seven Corners.
I showed my friends-with-benefits the movie the other week though, I expected her to not like it but she actually enjoyed it.
Some of Prince's best songs come from this era...Can't Stop, Question of U, Joy In Repetition, We Can Funk...Thieves in the Temple extended version. Anyway, I liked to watch "Graffiti Bridge" every few years and I'm glad it's around now more than ever. Even though "Under the Cherry Moon" is Prince's true cinematic best - so misunderstood and so, so good. GB's problem was people in general wanted another Purple Rain movie. I thought GB was a great movie. Cheeky at times, but thought-provoking and entertaining.
Definitely a Cult Classic. We all knew how funny Prince can be. I felt that if he wasn't already a music superstar, he could have been a good comedic actor.
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