Audience Member
Okay, while the first one was a lot of fun, this one is just lost on how to follow it up.
This one too is loaded with nudity, but it's more cause it takes place overseas and most of it is topless beach stuff. There's only a few main characters, and the ones that do show some skin make it very brief or tame.
The nicer bearded guy from the first film, and the girl he wooed, return in this one but I'm still unclear why. I think they just happened to be visiting where the plot takes place maybe? And at some point the guy is hooking up with someone else? That doesn't make sense, as he was the only one that learned his lesson in the first film right?
Gone are Cramer and Gains, and insert two very wooden and boring guys: the one guy isn't even a red head!!!
Basically it's set up that Scott went and became a big movie star, but the way they do it is they show filming scenes, and then it feels like it's a real movie, and then you'll see someone yell cut in the middle of a moment, so who knows. I think they were trying to be clever, but the film is just a mess. If it's all just a movie in a movie, then who cares?
And while Scott was a smart & charming guy in the first one, he's a bit of a cheating douche with a moron as his fiance.
The only good one in the cast was Fabiana Udenio, who is just all kinds of adorable.
The music is cheese too.
Seems like instead of making a straight follow up they thought they could be sneaky and made a big mistake in my opinion.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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Hardbodies 2 - Garbage
Garbage - insult to the original - Released just two years after the original featuring characters with the same names played by new actors - virtually the entire cast was replaced - also replaced was ALL the laughs and funny one liners - cringe worthy and painful to watch - do yourself a favor and skip this #$%! and re-watch the original HARDBODIES (1984)
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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This sequel is not the bigger and better deal. When exactly did Scotty, Rags, and Ashby become actors? Filmed as a movie within a movie where it was tough at times to tell when the characters were being actors. I liked the original Scotty better.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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There's a ton of boobs, but otherwise there's not a lot to recommend this in name only sequel,
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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This movie completely surprised me.
I caught it late at night on a movie channel, and soon found it to be very interesting.
The original "Hardbodies" was a brain dead teen skin beach flick about 3 middle aged businessmen who hire a local surfer dude to hook them up with young girls.
Really creepy in retrospect, but basically just a dumb movie.
I was surprised to find that they even made a sequel, but after watching for a while I discovered that this movie had a lot more going for it.
On the surface it is a sequel to the first movie that has some of the same cast members, but now it is set in Greece.
Just when you think it is cut from the same cloth as the first movie, everything takes a sharp left turn and you find the movie is actually about the cast and crew going to Greece to shoot the sequel to a bad beach movie.
At this point the whole thing gets a little "meta".
With actors making fun of characters they have to play and writers commenting on how stupid the plot is.
While this isn't a "great" movie it is quite amusing and well worth seeing on a cable channel, especially if you have seen the first one.
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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Sequel with no sensible continuity from the first film; Scotty now (quite logically) a lead actor for a film in production in Greece and Carlton Ashby present in an entirely contrived appearance. The new Scotty has zero charm but maybe I'm too discriminating.
Rated 1/5 Stars •
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
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