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Adios Sabata

Play trailer Poster for Adios Sabata PG-13 1970 1h 46m Western Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 1 Reviews 49% Popcornmeter 500+ Ratings
Gunslinger Sabata (Yul Brynner) allies himself with a group of wily Mexican revolutionaries scheming to overthrow Emperor Maximilian and expel the occupying Austrians from their homeland. Part of their plan involves stealing a shipment of gold and using it to purchase artillery. It won't be easy, however, as the gold is under the protection of the corrupt and sadistic Col. Skimmel (Gerard Herter). As Sabata pulls off the daring heist, he must take on dozens of enraged Austrian forces.
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Adios Sabata

Critics Reviews

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Tony Mastroianni Cleveland Press Brynner smiles scornfully most of the time which may be part of the characterization or may indicate how he feels about the whole movie. Jan 22, 2013 Full Review Read all reviews

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Audience Member 160806: Yul Brynner was following in some big footsteps with this film. Though he does a decent job, Adios Sabata suffers from being a bit slow in the middle. There are many fun features to this film however especially the unique weapons and outfits. Can't say I'm a fan of Sabata's (Brynner) all black disco look but kudos to Manuel Garcia Otello's (Salvatore Billa) holster on his shoulder and Septiembre's (Salvatore Borghese) cowboy boots. Sabata carries a unique Yellow-boy lever action that uses a magazine (I'll have to look that one up) and I'm always wondering what caliber the revolvers are in these spaghetti western. A few familiar and welcome faces from Sabata (1969) appear. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/31/23 Full Review Audience Member Cleef didn't return for this sequel because overseas it was dubbed "Indio Black". And the name was changed when Sabata became such a huge hit. So you might consider this a sub-sequel or inspiration even if it directed by the same director and some of supporting cast return. Yul Byrnner stars in this outing. Nevertheless, Brynner delivers an inspired performance that is reminiscent of his hero in The Magnificent Seven. But the movie just doesn't have the same panache as it the original and for me as a viewer I have a hard time not seeing Brynner as the robot gunman from Westworld. Very few of his westerns have made me see past that classic role. The Magnificent Seven being one. 2.5 out of 5 So Says the Soothsayer. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 02/13/23 Full Review Audience Member The Austrian Emperor Maximilian I is ruling Mexico and Sabata (Yul Brynner) is hired by the guerrilla leader Señor Ocaño to steal a wagonload of gold from the Austrian army. However, when Sabata and his partners Escudo (Ignazio Spalla) and Ballantine (Dean Reed) obtain the wagon, they find it is not full of gold but of sand, and that the gold was taken by Austrian Colonel Skimmel (Gérard Herter). So Sabata plans to steal back the gold... "Adiós, Sabata" (Italian: Indio Black, sai che ti dico: Sei un gran figlio di..., roughly translated as Indio Black, you know what I'm going to tell you ... You're a big son of a....) is a 1970 Italian-Spanish Spaghetti Western film directed by Gianfranco Parolini. It is the second film in The Sabata Trilogy by Parolini. Yul Brynner took over the lead role from Lee Van Cleef, who stared in the first and third film. The film was originally going to be entitled "Indio Black", but the title was changed after the first Sabata film proved successful and had inspired many imitators. Van Cleef had been offered the starring role in the film, but had to decline because he was committed to "The Magnificent Seven Ride" in the role of Chris Adams, which Brynner had made famous in "The Magnificent Seven". In the Italian language version, the character played by Yul Brynner is called Indio Black, but for the international market he was renamed Sabata. It's also said that Lee van Cleef, the original Sabata, rejected the offer to star in it, according to some because he didn't like the script, according to Alex Cox because the producers didn't want to pay the fee Lee was asking. Brynner´s Sabata wears a fringy uniform instead of a black cloak which Lee van Cleef´s Sabata does, but the character is roughly the same, a mysterious gunman spiraling his way through a labyrinthine plot populated with foes who may be friends, and friends who may be foes. Opinions about Brynner's performance differ. Donald Guarisco of All Movie thinks "he brings a brooding, ominous undercurrent to the role that gives the film an added bit of tension" (3). Apparently he behaved like an enormous pain in the ass on the set. To begin with he refused to say a word to Reed, who was a communist, and had torn the American flag in reaction to the country's foreign policy (in relation to South America). He also refused to look smaller than Reed, who was in fact several inches taller, so Parolini had to "level" the two actors for every scene they had in common. To make things worse, Brynner suffered from arthritis in his fingers, and had trouble handling that bizarre weapon of his, a lever action rifle with the horizontal magazine carrying seven 30/30 Remington cartridges and one cigar. Gianfranco Parolini´s "Adiós, Sabata" have all the spaghetti western attributes. Like outrageous editing and angles, bizarre weaponry, confusing language, episodic plots where every scene has a punchline, and ridiculous costumes. Yul Brynner is great as Sabata with his stone face, black outfit with leather trim, an open vest, bell bottoms and his strange lever action rifle. The score by Bruno Nicolai is perfect and you can´t help ending up whistling along in the title melody. All in all, despite a bit of a messy plot line and editing, this is a pretty good Spaghetti Western in my eyes. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/21/23 Full Review Audience Member The ONLY reason to watch this Italian Western is for Yul Brynner. Second in the Sabata triology, Yul Brynner comes back to Western's Magnificent Seven 1960 and Return of the Seven 1966. ACTION loaded Western, lots of people die. [img][/img] Adios, Sabata is the second of the triology Master gunslinger Sabata helps some Mexican revolutionaries steal a wagonload of gold. Yul Brynner, hired gunslinger, is legend in the Mexican setting where Austria rules with a heavy hand. Brynner (Sabata) uses a sawed off 30-30 rifle with a clip of 5 bullets and a cigar in the sixth chamber. SEE the trailer here: The cinematography is great (in letterbox) but the interior scenes come off rather televisionish. Of course, all the actors except for Brynner are horrid for the most part. [img][/img] SEE the entire film here: [img][/img] Yul Brynner in black (again) as Sabata REVIEWS: 60% Centerpiece of the Sabata trilogy, really doesn't try and hide the fact that it is just another reincarnation of the first. It suceeds due to the fact... 80% A small town has been overrun by Austrians who rule with an iron fist. A small band of Mexicans wi... NOTES: 1 The film was originally going to be entitled Indio Black, but the title was changed after the first Sabata film proved successful and had inspired many imitators. 2 Sabata carries a sawed off lever action rifle with a magazine containing seven .30/30 Remington rimfire cartridges...and one cigar. 3 Adiós, Sabata (Italian: Indio Black, sai che ti dico: Sei un gran figlio di..., roughly translated as Indio Black, you know what I'm going to tell you ... You're a big son of a ....) is a 1970 Italian-Spanish Spaghetti Western film directed by Gianfranco Parolini. 4 As was common with successful Spaghetti Western franchises, such as the Dollars Trilogy, Django or Sartana series', several other Sabata imitators were released. None of these are considered part of the "official" series. They include: Wanted Sabata (1970) directed by Roberto Mauri and starring Brad Harris. Arriva Sabata! (1970) directed by Tulio Demicheli and starring Peter Lee Lawrence. Dig Your Grave Friend... Sabata is Coming (1971) directed by Juan Bosch and starring Raf Baldassarre. Watch Out Gringo! Sabata Will Return (1972) directed by Alfonso Balcázar and Pedro Luis Ramírez, and starring George Martin. [img][/img] CAST Yul Brynner as Sabata/Indio Black Dean Reed as Ballantine Ignazio Spalla as Escudo Gérard Herter as Colonel Skimmel Sal Borgese as Septiembre Franco Fantasia as Señor Ocaño Joseph P. Persaud as Gitano Andrea Scottia as José Gianni Rizzo as Folgen Salvatore Billa as Manuel Massimo Carocci as Juan de los Angeles Directed by Gianfranco Parolini Produced by Alberto Grimaldi Written by Renato Izzo Gianfranco Parolini Starring Yul Brynner Music by Bruno Nicolai Cinematography Sandro Mancori [img][/img] Editing by Gianfranco Parolini Distributed by United Artists Release dates September 30, 1970 Running time 104 minutes Country Italy [img][/img] Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 01/19/23 Full Review Audience Member Yul Brenner takes over for Lee Van Cleef as Sabata in the second film in the Sabata trilogy and it's surprisingly good. I've read conflicting accounts about this in-name-only sequel." Some accounts say Brenner replaced Cleef due to a scheduling conflict as Sabata, but other accounts (and I think more reliable accounts, like Leonard Maltin) say that this was originally intended as a stand-alone film and that the name of Sabata was only inserted into the English language dubbed version to cash in on the first film's success. Either way, I felt this film was in many ways superior to the first film. Brenner always has a fascinating (though rather strange) screen charisma, but the film also features some terrific gun battles and an exciting score by the underrated composer Bruno Nicolai. This one is a must see for fans of spaghetti westerns! Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 01/31/23 Full Review Audience Member Director Gianfranco Parolini (Alias Frank Kramer) Directs This Odd Entry In The Sabata Series. This Outing Of The Mysterious Gunman Puts Yul Brynner In Lee Van Cleef's Shoes. This Time Sabata Is Caught Up In The Mexican Revolution As He Helps The Rebels Plan & Operate A Gold Heist. Borrowing Key-Plot Elements From The Previous Film "Adios Sabata" Drops The Light-Hearrted Tone For A More Serious One (But Not As Serious As Most Spaghetti Westerns), & Keeps The Level Of Violence Expected From The Genre. The Reason You Could Say This Is An Odd Entry Because The The Film Was Originally Going To Be Titled "Indio Black", Due To The Success Of The First Movie It Was Changed. Van Cleef Had Been Offered The Starring Role In The Film, But Had To Decline Because He Was Committed To The Magnificent Seven Ride In The Role Of Chris Adams, Which Brynner Had Made Famous In The Magnificent Seven. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 01/21/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Adios Sabata

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Movie Info

Synopsis Gunslinger Sabata (Yul Brynner) allies himself with a group of wily Mexican revolutionaries scheming to overthrow Emperor Maximilian and expel the occupying Austrians from their homeland. Part of their plan involves stealing a shipment of gold and using it to purchase artillery. It won't be easy, however, as the gold is under the protection of the corrupt and sadistic Col. Skimmel (Gerard Herter). As Sabata pulls off the daring heist, he must take on dozens of enraged Austrian forces.
Gianfranco Parolini
Alberto Grimaldi
Gianfranco Parolini, Renato Izzo
Production Co
Produzioni Europee Associati
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
May 6, 2010
1h 46m
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