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The Doll Master

Play trailer Poster for The Doll Master 2004 1h 25m Horror Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 0 Reviews 53% Popcornmeter 500+ Ratings
A male model (Shim Hyung-tak), a sculptor (Kim Yoo-mi) and others arrive at a creepy museum in the hope that they will be immortalized in doll form.
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The Doll Master

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member Great film, I am surprised it isn't rated any higher. Not only is this film quite creepy, but it also has quite an emotional side to it too. You really feel for the 'girl in red' and very much understand where she is coming from Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 01/27/23 Full Review Audience Member The movie starts slowly, but I like that, so it was fine.... the score was beautiful, the story was strong, and I would highly recommend it to any fan of Asian horror..... it isn't extreme, it isn't to be taken with utmost seriousness, but it is good... Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/10/23 Full Review Audience Member not that great , may be something to watch and pass time , you probable will forget about it the next day and will never think about it again Rated 2 out of 5 stars 01/28/23 Full Review Audience Member The Doll Master is an interesting horror that isn't entirely original yet it is effectively scary and heartfelt. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/21/23 Full Review Audience Member Korean fiLm harbors the most prominent rank of my choice in horror category -Never Left me disappointed nor upset to satisfy my hope, desire, or expectation of, not even once, but keep you dashing off instead, underneath your bLanket or shrink behind your piLLow -exactLy what it caused me, finding myseLf on such scenario. (laughs) The pLot ought to be so constructed that, even without the aid of the eye, he who hears the taLe toLd wiLL thriLL with shuddering fear, as of things crawLing on your skin and meLt to pity at what takes pLace. It was provoking, mocking peaL, with a hair-raising encounter with death, screeching over-note of vengeance rooted to the very depth of the doLL's devoted attachment, affection, and LoyaLty towards her creator -The DoLL Master. The former adored the Latter with an ardour that far exceeded moderation, however, the beauty of her dream vanished when he was condemned innocentLy and roughLy mauLed down to his own grave... right there and then, breathLess Loathing and disgust fiLLed her heart. Putting things at her worst, at aLL events -Murder's out of tune and her sweet revenge grows harsh cLouding on her innocence- onLy tend to be foredoomed as she is to her own everLasting misery, a reason the more for taking risks. Her conduct in it Less than infamous, was capabLe of a turn which must make her entireLy bLameLess throughout the whoLe. I, after watching such, remain in a nightmarish state between waking and sLeeping for a coupLe of hours of so-caLLed rest as the thought further sink deep unto me wanting to impart... the trembLing terror was repLaced with sympathy and shocking tears fiLLed my cheeks. Revenge has never been the best remedy -UniversaL though the instinct for it may be, much stronger in some of us than others. And those who have it in abundance apparentLy pay something of a price. Like a boomerang, though fLies in the direction in which it is hurLed, it takes a sudden curve, and, returning, hits your own head the heaviest bLow of aLL. A spirit of revenge is the very spirit of the deviL, nothing can be more opposite to the temper Christianity was designed to promote. If your revenge be not satisfied, it wiLL give you torment now, if it be, it wiLL give you greater hereafter. None is a greater seLf-tormentor than a maLicious and revengefuL man, who turns the poison of his own temper in upon himseLf. Fervor in our own bLood, to be cured onLy by Letting the bLood of another but the remedy too often produces a reLapse, which is remorse, a maLady far more dreadfuL than the first disease. IncurabLe. At first though sweet yet bitter are Long back on itseLf recoiLs. Those given to harming others bear within themseLves the seeds of their own destruction and series of compLication Leading to your own demise with wounds Left unheaLed -but, to forgive a wrong is the best revenge. Recompense to no man eviL for eviL. DearLy beLoved, avenge not yourseLves, but rather give pLace unto wrath: for it is written, Vengeance is mine, I wiLL repay, saith the Lord. (Rom 12:17) Having said so, the fLick as weLL speaks most on those LittLe tiny things that are far more worthy of great appreciation. Try to Look around you, we are surrounded with countLess bLessings that we shouLd be gratefuL about. Don't exhaust yourseLf much on things that you don't have rather give credit and be proud on what you do have. NonetheLess, one thing is for sure, I'm stiLL "IN" for patronizing doLLs after aLL. This fLick made me Love them even more! Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 01/25/23 Full Review Audience Member frightening, fascinating, complicated and weird. loved it Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 01/16/23 Full Review Read all reviews
The Doll Master

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Movie Info

Synopsis A male model (Shim Hyung-tak), a sculptor (Kim Yoo-mi) and others arrive at a creepy museum in the hope that they will be immortalized in doll form.
Jeong Yong-ki
Han Man-taek, Im Gyeong-taek
Jeong Yong-ki
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Jun 17, 2016
1h 25m
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