K Mizz
Perfection. One of the best movies ever made. Musical genius. Dancing. Whimsy. Romance. Heartbreak. Storyline that mirrors life, yet keeps dreams alive. Can watch it over and over again!
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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One thing about this movie is telling us is to Follow our Dreams 💫✊🏿🎞🎬❤
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An American Classic Love Story
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Katie D
Definitely not what I was expecting! I love Emma and Ryan together but the storylines were a bit drawn out and disappointingly difficult to follow. Some of the musical numbers/dream sequences felt out of place and over the top, sending the audience out of La La Land. I did really like the jazz coming into a new generation and John Legend's music! This movie was really good but not not great.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
I had a bad experience watching it, so not the films fault but I’ll take a star off. Plus, the camera being so hyperactive made me upset a little. I love the classic Hollywood influence on this film. Damien Chazelle is a genius. Everything about it was masterful. I can’t wait to rewatch this some day and hopefully have the same feeling I felt today. Almost like watching it for the first time again. 4/5 stars.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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Marco L
(CASTELLANO) Desde el minuto uno, La La Land te atrapa con su magia: colores que explotan, canciones que se te pegan y un homenaje al cine de siempre. Esa escena del atasco en Los Ángeles, con ese número musical lleno de vida, es una pasada, una declaración de amor a la imaginación. Eso si, incluso si odias las películas musicales, como es mi caso, te dejará alucinando.
Nos sumergimos en el relato de Mia (Emma Stone), una chica que intenta forjar su camino como actriz y hallar su posición en el complicado universo del espectáculo. Sebastian (Ryan Gosling) está junto a él, un apasionado pianista de jazz que batalla por alcanzar su anhelo de poseer su propio club y preservar la esencia genuina de este estilo musical. Su relato de amor, sueños y retos tiene lugar en Los Ángeles, una ciudad que aparenta brindarte una variedad de posibilidades, pero que también puede quitarte todo en un momento. Una urbe de luminosidad y oscuridad, donde la esperanza y el desaliento se encuentran juntos. La conexión entre ellos es tan auténtica que te crees que son pareja de verdad. Y, claro, Emma Stone se sale con una actuación llena de matices que, vamos, le dio el Oscar con toda la razón.
A nivel visual, es una película impecable. Chazelle le da a la película un ritmo que te atrapa y un estilo visual que te recuerda a los grandes musicales de Hollywood de toda la vida. Las coreografías son una pasada, los colores te llenan la pantalla y te hacen sentir las emociones a flor de piel, y la cámara se mueve con una naturalidad que te hace sentir nostalgia, pero sin que la película parezca antigua.
No todo funciona a la perfección. Hay momentos en los que los números musicales no alcanzan la fuerza de los clásicos que homenajea, y el tono melancólico de la historia puede contrastar con su explosión visual. Sin embargo, el equilibrio entre romanticismo y realidad está tan bien trabajado que esos detalles no le restan mérito.
Si esperas un musical tradicional, quizá La La Land no sea exactamente lo que imaginas. Pero si te gustan las historias que celebran los sueños, el amor y la pasión por el arte con una puesta en escena brillante, difícilmente te decepcionará. Su final, lejos de lo convencional, deja una sensación agridulce que la hace aún más especial.
(ENGLISH) From the very first moment, La La Land pulls you in with its magic: vibrant colors, catchy songs, and a heartfelt tribute to classic cinema. That opening traffic jam scene in Los Angeles, with its lively musical number, is simply spectacular—a love letter to imagination. Even if you hate musicals, like I usually do, this one will leave you in awe.
We follow Mia (Emma Stone), a young woman striving to make it as an actress and find her place in the cutthroat world of show business. Alongside her is Sebastian (Ryan Gosling), a passionate jazz pianist fighting to keep his dream alive—owning his own club and preserving the authenticity of the music he loves. Their story of love, ambition, and struggles unfolds in Los Angeles, a city that seems to offer endless possibilities but can just as easily take them away. A place of both light and shadow, where hope and disappointment walk hand in hand. Their chemistry is so genuine that you almost believe they’re a real couple. And, of course, Emma Stone delivers a nuanced performance that rightfully earned her an Oscar.
Visually, the film is stunning. Chazelle crafts a rhythm that keeps you engaged and a visual style reminiscent of the golden age of Hollywood musicals. The choreography is breathtaking, the colors explode on screen, intensifying every emotion, and the camera moves so fluidly that the film feels nostalgic without ever feeling outdated.
Not everything is perfect. Some musical numbers don’t quite reach the impact of the classics it pays tribute to, and the melancholic tone of the story sometimes contrasts with its visual energy. However, the balance between romance and realism is so well-executed that these minor flaws hardly matter.
If you’re expecting a traditional musical, La La Land might not be exactly what you imagine. But if you love stories that celebrate dreams, love, and passion for art with dazzling execution, it’s hard to be disappointed. Its ending, far from conventional, leaves a bittersweet feeling that makes it all the more special.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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