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Play trailer Poster for Mammuth 2010 1h 32m Comedy Drama Play Trailer Watchlist
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59% Tomatometer 22 Reviews 42% Popcornmeter 500+ Ratings
A retiree fights for his withheld pension.

Critics Reviews

View All (22) Critics Reviews
Rachel Saltz New York Times "Mammuth" has the distressed, gritty look of a 1970s movie. (It was shot on Super 16 reversal film.) But it takes its cues from some of the less-appealing aspects of that era's freewheeling style, in particular a sort of curdled whimsy. Rated: 2/5 Sep 29, 2011 Full Review Melissa Anderson Village Voice Too limp and scattershot to warrant anything stronger than indifference... Sep 27, 2011 Full Review David Fear Time Out Depardieu makes the most of it. Because of him, such surreal Gallic scuzziness has rarely seemed so sweetly tender. Rated: 4/5 Sep 27, 2011 Full Review Rex Roberts Film Journal International Cynical and sentimental by turns, Mammuth takes a ride on the wild side, but well within speed limits. Sep 30, 2011 Full Review Burl Burlingame Honolulu Star-Advertiser Depardieu is a very shaggy beastie in this film, deliberate and bullish, blown up to prehistoric size and pretty much headed for extinction at the hands of French bureaucracy. Rated: 1/4 Jun 22, 2011 Full Review Graham Young Birmingham Post Depardieu's lugubrious features have rarely been better suited to playing a character who is such a handful that he is duty-bound to shock. Rated: 3/5 Jun 16, 2011 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member Er hat unzählige Jobs gemacht, bevor er die letzten Jahre in der Fleischfabrik schuftete. Jetzt ist Serge Pilardosse, den alle Mammuth nennen (Gerard Depardieu) reif für die Rente. Zum Abschied bekommt der Koloss von den Kollegen ein Puzzle, was nicht nur lächerlich wirkt, sondern auch eine Bedeutung hat. Mammuth wird die Puzzle-Stücke seines Lebens in Form von Arbeitsbelegen für die Rente zusammensuchen müssen. Im ganzen Land, denn überall hat er schon gearbeitet. Zu Hause bei seiner Ehefrau Catherine (Yolande Moreau) wirkt er wie ein gefangenes Tier. Sie verlangt von ihm, sämtliche Verdienstbescheinigungen der alten Arbeitgeber zusammen zu suchen und Mammuth macht sich auf mit seinem alten Motorrad: Einer schweren Münch Mammut aus den 60ern! Er zieht zärtlich die Plane vom alten Gefährt und eine Atmosphäre schmerzlicher Erinnerungen an die Jugend breitet sich aus. Das schöne Gesicht seiner toten Verflossenen (Isabelle Adjani) taucht auf. Ihr Gesicht wundersam versehrt, der Blick traurig. Erhaben und komisch zugleich wirkt Mammuth auf seiner Münch. Hinten drauf, ein Metalldetektor, mit dem er am Strand nach Münzen sucht. Wie in den grossen Road Movies kehren wir auch in Mammuth in die Gedankenwelten des Helden ein. Es ist eine poetische und fast metaphysische Reise (denn hinten auf der Münch sitzt der Tod) - und obendrein eine sehr komische! Wenn aber der Simplizissimus Mammuth mit der gesellschaftlichen Realität konfrontiert wird, überheben sich Gustave de Kervern und Benoit Delepine. Ihre Stärke dagegen sind die surrealen Momente hinter der Wirklichkeit. Mammuth mit seiner toten Freundin rücklings, todtraurige Handeslvertreter und besessene Biker. Ein Hauch von Verstörung liegt über den durchkomponierten Eintellungen, wenn Mammuth schliesslich seine Reifeprüfung bestehen muss. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/31/23 Full Review Audience Member Tout ca pour ca. Grosse deception. Un film qui hesite entre la comedie absurde et le road-movie sentimental. Fallait choisir, parce que le resultat est destabilisant. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 02/27/23 Full Review walter m After ten years of faithful service to a slaughterhouse, Serge(Gerard Depardieu) is given a party and a jigsaw puzzle by his co-workers. Retirement does not end up agreeing with him or his wife Catherine(Yolande Moreau) who ends up hating him loafing around the house and her demotion to the fish counter. Salvation for the former comes from a surprising direction when it turns out Serge will have to get affidavits for every odd job he has performed in order to get his full pension. Given the movie's plot, it should come as no surprise that the story is on the episodic side. "Mammuth" takes that to extremes by almost appearing to resemble Serge's 2000 piece jigsaw puzzle at times. Even then, it does not provide all the pieces, including one scene that is 3/4 totally wrong. The picture that we do get involves a man whose life was thrown sideways early in life, as he continues to be haunted by Isabelle Adjani.(Notice how some people have all the luck.) But sadly the movie wants to apply that notion to all minimum wage employees who struggle through life through no fault of their own. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member Brutal & somewhat pointless. It felt like it was trying to parody life, but ends up depicting off-kilter snippets that detract from its central theme of renewal and release. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 02/11/23 Full Review Audience Member Possibly the worst movie ever made. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 02/25/23 Full Review Audience Member Perhaps if you're a devoté of what used to be called art-house films this movie might not seem so different to you. Otherwise, it is likely to strike the average mover-goer accustomed to average movies as very strange indeed. Much if the dialogue is delivered in a very dead-pan style. Some of the cinematography, however, is really both very original and very beautiful. These are not introspective characters. They sometimes aggravate us because they don't think about their situation and are constantly astounded by what happens. This leaves them the victim of government bureaucracies that are simply too complicated for them to understand. You are unlikely to identify with these characters. Often you wonder whether to take them as mocking caricatures or sympathetic portraits. Still, the movie almost always held me, which is more than I can say for many more "normal" movies. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/21/23 Full Review Read all reviews

My Rating

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Movie Info

Synopsis A retiree fights for his withheld pension.
Gustave Kervern, Benoît Delépine
Jean-Pierre Guérin, Véronique Marchat
Gustave Kervern, Benoît Delépine
Production Co
Monkey Pack Films, GMT Productions, DD Productions, No Money Productions, Arte France Cinema
Comedy, Drama
Original Language
French (France)
Release Date (DVD)
Oct 1, 2015
1h 32m
Aspect Ratio
Flat (1.85:1)