Audience Member
Uwe Boll has the reputation of being the worst director that has ever directed a film. But on the rare occasion, he can actually make something quite entertaining and good. This is the case with this film. Although nothing great, Max Schmeling is a good film considering who directed it. The story is engaging and it is a fine little low budget film that you never would have guessed that it was directed by Boll. For fans of boxing, this is a good enough film to view, and it shouldn't be avoided just because it was directed by Uwe Boll. I found this to be one of the more entertaining and worthwhile of his films, and he is able to make good films when he uses his own ideas to tell a story. Where the film is a bit predictable is that, this is your typical sports film, using a similar formula from the genre, and in a way you know how it's going to get. For what it is, it's an entertaining affair, and there are some good performances here, and like I said, you can clearly forget that the film was directed by Boll, because this is a pleasant treat worth seeing. Granted, viewers may be skeptical about seeing this film due to the fact that Boll lensed the film, but go into this one knowing that it is one of his better movies. With that being said, I always thought Boll was a hit and miss director, he missed more times than he hit, but on the rare occasion, he can make something watchable. Although, nothing ever too original, Max Schmeling worth seeing if you enjoy low budget affair, and maybe at the same time, you'll forget who directed this, and see it as it was supposed to be, a good biopic on a legendary boxer that is entertaining for what it tries to do.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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thomas a
"Max Schmeling" is a decent movie on one of the most admirable German athletes of all time. He had to live through the Nazi regime, but the fact remained that he was never sympathetic to the Nazi cause. This movie showed his life as it was: little dramatization, and sole focus on his life story. The only drawback is the fact that nearly the entire duration of the movie is told in terms of could have been better if it was told in "present" time of the plot itself.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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don s
An interesting look at the life of Max Schmeling, Germany's boxing champion from the 1930's. The movie is too long but it is entertaining and informative. Max was a good man with a good heart, unfortunately being used as propaganda by the Nazis. I really liked it.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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nathan z
It's been too long since I've last had the pleasure of viewing a Uwe Boll movie. The man is downright prolific when it comes to spitting out multitudes of projects every year sometimes three or four. And yet there's no guarantee I'll have a speedy and easily accessible avenue to watch the man's finished products. Take for instance his biopic on Max Schmeling, finished almost three years ago, and undergone a title change for American audiences to Fist of the Reich. Americans might not know who Max Schmeling was but by God do we know ourselves some Nazis. I can understand why this one was put on the shelf for as long as it was. There's the fact that it's entirely in German, Boll's first completely foreign-language film since 1997. There's also the fact that it's still a pretty dull and uninvolving movie, and given the figure and subject matter, that may be enough to make Fist of the Reich the most disappointing film of Boll's career.
From 1930-1948, Max Schmeling (Henry Maske) was Germany's most prolific athlete. He boxed overseas in America quite often, earning the world title in a controversial bout where his opponent was disqualified after a below the belt punch. Schmeling romances a movie star, Anny Ondra (Susanne Wuest), and proposes to her the day their courtship hits the gossip pages. Schmeling also has to fight the growing nationalistic influence of Hitler's Nazi party, which looks at him as a powerful propaganda opportunity. After a high-profile loss to Joe Louis, in a rematch no less, Schmeling loses value to the Nazi machine and he's drafted into the oncoming war.
When I say "most disappointing" I know that's going to strike a chord given Boll's oeuvre of craptacular cinema, but I really mean it. The biggest failing of the two-plus hours of Fist of the Reich is that it does not provide adequate evidence why Schmeling is a compelling figure of history. It's a biopic that doesn't have enough juice to justify why its central hero should even earn a biopic. I don't think I've seen too many movies based upon real people where I left thinking, "Well that person didn't deserve a movie." And the ridiculous thing is that Schmeling of course deserves his own movie. The man was an international superstar, the pride of a nation during a tumultuous time, one of only three men to beat Joe Louis in his career, and then became a propaganda pawn for the Nazis. The man was even forced into service in the war and was one of only two survivors during a hellish battle. His manager was Jewish, his wife a Czech movie star, and they had to flee their country home to escape from the advancing Russians. That is some compelling stuff even before you get into the psychological depth at play with a man being pushed as a tool of Nazi propaganda and how that constrictive, humiliating, and infuriating chapter would have taken its toll on Schmeling's soul. There is a wealth of material there to stage a rousing and engrossing biopic, and the fact that Boll and screenwriter Timo Berndt cannot is just inexcusable.
There's very little depth given to Schmeling as a character; all the edges are sanded off and we're left with a rather bland do-gooder that really just wants to box. He's sort of this nondescript, milquetoast nice guy who trudges from scene to scene, doing bland but nice things. You won't dislike the lug but you'll find it hard to explain why he's interesting. This shallowness just compounds as the movie continues, going further into the war as well as the downturns in Schmeling's boxing career. His relationship with Anny is also pretty bland. They're nice together and loving in appearance but also mundane. It's like the movie is progressing scene-by-scene establishing facts and plot points rather than exploring the relationships of characters. Max gets married. Max gets a big bout. Max wants to give Joe Louis a rematch. The film seems so devoid of passion, bled dry by going through the checklist of what audiences desire in their biopics. The movie even attaches a weak framing device where Schmeling and a war prisoner are walking to a border and Schmeling recounts his life. Except this framing device ends with thirty minutes left to go. Can it be termed a framing device if it doesn't frame a quarter of the movie? It's not even necessary except to throw in a bit of war violence at the opening to hook an audience. It feels like nobody knows what to do with Schmeling so they'll just breeze through his life's big events, make him seem like a charitable fella, and then pray the audience understands the man's historical significance.
Another reason for the stilted drama is quite possibly the noticeable acting limitations of our lead, Maske. The man is a former champion boxer in Germany who reportedly underwent eight months of acting training to prepare for this movie. Well, apparently eight was not enough (did I just backend into a pun?). He may be a great boxer but he is a very poor actor. His monotone, caveman-like warble reminds me of the speaking tones of early Arnold Schwarzenegger. I don't think the guy has more than two sentences at a time. Again, I'd rather have my actors learn how to do something rather than teach a non-actor how to act. Actors can fake singing or boxing, plus there's editing. Was it really substantial to have an actual boxer in the role? I know Schmeling himself actually wanted Maske to play him in a would-be movie, so there's some passing approval, but there's a reason that Maske hasn't acted in a movie since this one. Maske's pained acting, limited emotional range, and overall stiffness, combined with the thin characterization, makes for a void at the center of the movie.
I also assumed given Boll's own background in boxing (he famously boxed a group of critics several years ago in a publicity stunt) that the onscreen bouts would be thrilling to watch. The excitable German ringside announcer seems to be watching different fights than I am. The fighters just don't have any fight in them, carefully going through the motions, but when they hit they do so like they're timid, afraid to put any force behind it. The camerawork and editing also fail to mask this feeling. Boxing is such a ferocious sport and we need to feel the danger and ferocity within the ring, but all too often it just feels like another ho-hum occasion for Schmeling, one where he's rarely put to the test. Even the boxing matches that go to 15 rounds show us two fighters without any blood on them or bruises or any sign, beyond a glistening coat of faux sweat, that these two men have spent over an hour beating the crap out of each other. This limited sense of realism handicaps the movie as well as drawing out the accomplishments of Schmeling.
Boll's direction also seems rather remote on this movie, curiously so. He relies almost entirely on bobbling handheld camerawork that can get a bit tiresome when it feels like the camera rarely settles. The movie is almost entirely comprised of a series of medium shots, which further adds to the overall blandness of the movie. The cinematography by longtime collaborator Mathias Neumann is entirely lackluster and downright incompetent. The visual compositions are supremely lacking; I don't think Boll and Neumann even stumble into one engaging visual shot. And we're talking about a boxer's career here. The colors of the movie feel so drab and restrained but not in any sort of elegant artistic manner. It just looks like a drab movie, which suits a drab script with a drab lead actor. I'm also fairly certain that Boll's longtime musical collaborator Jessica de Rooij borrows liberally, if not outright lifts, the musical themes of John Williams' score for Saving Private Ryan. Has anyone else caught this?
It may seem foolish of me to admit, especially after twenty movies reviewed, but I actually had some semblance of hope that Fist of the Reich was going to be Boll's first actual good movie. As it stands, Tunnel Rats is still the best Boll film, relatively speaking. I really thought that Boll's background and boxing experience would carry over and we'd get a handsomely made, reverent, and absorbing look into the life of Max Schmeling, but time after time, the movie settles for bland. There's a lot of meat to this guy but it feels about as in depth as a child's book report, skimming over the drama to cover the significant signposts of the man's life. As a result, we get an overview of the guy's life but lack the evidence why we even took the journey. Saying a guy's a great boxer, or a great humanitarian is one thing, but we need to see this, we need to feel it, and that's the saddest failure of Fist of the Reich, that it takes an important historical figure and squeezes out all the lingering resonance.
Nate's Grade: C
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
Bon film sur l'histoire du boxeur Max Schmeling et principalement sur le combat contre Joe Louis. Bonne prestation de Henry Maske. Evidemment , vu que le film est fais par Uwe Boll c'est loin d'être parfait mais c'est tout de même bien réalisé
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
Emotional quotient of the film's characters is somewhere below zero. But the story is worth watching
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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