Harry's W
I loved the plot and loved the overall design of the movie. I think this one is heavily underrated and liked the work that Roland Emmerich has done on this movie.
Rated 4.5/5 Stars •
Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars
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this movie is like if bladerunner was on the moon and about flying. i liked the ugly set design.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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I believe this might well be the worst movie that I have ever seen. I love me some cheesy/bad sci fi, but this was just absolutely painful to watch. The special effects were acceptable, the acting ranged from mediocre to mildly abrasive, with dialogue that the writer just should never have bothered writing, and the plot? Omfg, are you kidding me? How did anyone think that this made sense?? Okay, sure, big businesses take over "the universe", and company A is losing their moon mining bases to robotic pirate raids from company B. Sure, that's fine so far. Company A decides to send convicts from their prison to moon 44 to defend the base, because regular pilots won't volunteer. (Apparently because of the weather??) But the way these, um, helicopters? work, and they have to fly in trenches all the time, the pilots require "navigators", (who also control the speed of said helicopters, for no reason that I can imagine) For which company A brings in teenage whiz kids, and then the whole movie goes straight to shit. No really, this right here is where it all goes wrong: "Hey, these punk ass kids who apparently control "our food, the air you breathe," everything, etc. etc. AND who we depend on to keep us from crashing every time we fly... "
So... yeah, lets just abuse them in every way possible, including RAPE one of them in the shower, because we're bad ass convicts, and that somehow makes any sense at all.
After a one of the convicts dies in the least surprising way possible, and another gets really really sick from being poisoned by drugs that "would kill a horse twice". The teenagers finally stand up to them in a "dramatic" confrontation, where they threaten the convicts with the already painfully obvious fact that their lives are in the hands of the kids they've been bullying. Really? you mean obvious fact that you obviously established from the beginning of the movie, and continued to reinforce up to now, is ... surprise! still a fact! Yeah, now the convicts back down, because it's cooperation time! Sort of. Well, the robot pirates from company B are coming to swarm the base, so we'll send out ONE helicopter to deal with that, and then when he gets back, we'll send ONE more, to cover our retreat. I mean we've got like a dozen or so helicopters here, and the convicts to fly them, plus the navigators to keep the pilots from crashing, but why waste them, when we could lose the moon base to pirates instead? The base we're supposed to be protecting. The whole reason any of us are here. Yeah, that makes sense.
Oh, and the guy running the moon base is secretly diverting their shuttles to the enemy, so the main character is an undercover cop sent to investigate, but that part of the plot is so pointless it's barely worth mentioning here. Suffice to say his actions make as much sense as the rest of this movie, and pointless bad guy gets blown up in the end.
Look, I love bad movies. Cheesy old stuff that is so bad its good. But this is not that. This has all the flaws of a bad movie without any of the charm. The special effects and the acting manage to be just nmediocre enough NOT to distract from the plot, which will just insult you over and over, with it's blatant disregard for logic. "The Room" is better than this, because at least that's so ridiculous as to be entertaining. If you want some bad sci fi to watch try "Sleeping Dogs", not this crap.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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I want to watch this movie.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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One of the most confusing, unappealing sci-fi films I've ever seen. In this early Roland Emmerich disaster, super-badass-chainsmoker 'Felix Stone' takes a quick twenty minute jaunt through the Blade Runner set (music and all) and then proceeds to a mining station in space where a group of ex-cons-turned pilots and a bunch of teenage boy navigators reenact scenes from 'Sleepers' and 'Top Gun' while they wait (apparently) for some sort of invasion from a rival mining corporation, in what amounts to THE ALAMO: IN SPACE! Emmerich's early script writing philosophy; the cut and paste method. If he likes, it goes in!... no matter how badly juxtaposed against the preceding or following scene! Lighthearted fun followed by a teenage boy's suicide? Intense action packed dogfight following a teenage boy's alluded shower rape? Sure! Fortunately Mr. Emmerich was able to sort out his vision for the perfect summer blockbuster by the time of Independence Day... Good for us.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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Low budget stuff like old Battlestar Galatctica.
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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