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Panelkapcsolat (The Prefab People)

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100% Tomatometer 6 Reviews 79% Popcornmeter 250+ Ratings

Critics Reviews

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Michael Atkinson Village Voice An unrelenting, smell-the-sour-breath portrait of a blue-collar marriage dissolving under pressure from Communist-era poverty, masculine inadequacy, and restless depression. Oct 5, 2007 Full Review Jonathan Rosenbaum Chicago Reader Hungarian filmmaker Bela Tarr's third feature (1982) is the best of his early forays into Cassavetes-style social realism. Mar 4, 2003 Full Review Laura Clifford Reeling Reviews an Eastern Bloc tribute to Britain's kitchen sink dramas. Rated: B Mar 4, 2012 Full Review Dennis Schwartz Dennis Schwartz Movie Reviews It's the rawness of the film that makes us believe we are unquestionably seeing the truth. Rated: B Aug 8, 2005 Full Review MaryAnn Johanson Flick Filosopher [S]o painfully real that it almost becomes unendurable... Jul 3, 2005 Full Review Jeremy Heilman [It] is the best of [Tarr's] early works because it achieves such a degree of intimacy that its lack of ostentatious filmmaking never impedes its ability to observe its characters. Rated: 3.5/4 Mar 3, 2003 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member It hurts to watch this movie. If you are married and have two childeren, don't watch's somehow like a mirror. Great early movie of Bela Tarr, already one of my favorite directors. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/18/23 Full Review Audience Member It's pretty slow paced, but then again, life is slow paced. Particularly in this place and time in history. The Prefab People, offers up an early look at the styles and tendencies that would end up making Bela Tarr one of the most interesting film makers in the world today. It uses, simple but raw/realistic camera movements, and an almost Cinema Verite type style but used with narrative. It's a good film, but no where near Tarr's best. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 01/28/23 Full Review Audience Member Tarr Béla nem tartozik a kedvenc rendezőim közé (és még finoman fogalmaztam), de a Panelkapcsolat egy kivételes erős darabja a magyar filmeknek. Pogány Judit és Koltai Róbert játéka elviszi a nézőt a kispolgári „panelházaspár” pokoli hétköznapjaiba. Az igazi hazai valóság, húsba maró élmény, amit tovább erősít az, hogy ezeknek a párbeszédeknek szinte mindenki szem és fültanúja volt már életében. A gyerekeik a filmben pont olyan másodlagosak, mint az a valóságban is lenni szokott és inkább szolgálnak az érzelmi zsarolás eszközének, mintsem önálló érző lényeknek. Szerencsére itt még fiatalabb volt a rendező és nem esett nehezére néha A-ból B pontba elmozdítani a kamerát, ezzel elősegítve filmje élvezhetőségét. Rated 4.5 out of 5 stars 02/06/23 Full Review Audience Member Along with The Outsider and Family Nest, this is one of Tarr's early Cassavetes-style films, and I'd say the best of them. The pseudo-documentary feel is taken a step further when the wife addresses the camera at the end (this might have happened in Family Nest as well, I can't recall). It's a very realistic portrayal of a bickering couple who have differing levels of interest in making the relationship work. A little depressing but it holds your attention. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/17/23 Full Review Audience Member My favorite of the Domestic trilogy. The only reasons I've seen for rating this film so low is because it it was uncomfortable/too realistic/etc. I was very uncomfortable at times watching this. That doesn't mean it is inferior film. Tarr intended some level of discomfort and realism (hence the cinema-verite shooting style) To those people who do rate it low for those reasons, I pose this question: Did it ever occur to you that Tarr meant for you to feel this way and that he wanted the film to be depressing and realistic? I can understand not liking the film, but to say that it is bad when it does what it intends to do is ridiculous. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/28/23 Full Review Audience Member I'd guess this is how anyone who has never seen or felt the inclination to see a black and white, communist era, Hungarian realist family drama imagines them to be. Grim. Difficult. Dull. There are brief moments where, for the over-eager Bela Tarr fan perhaps, the great wonder of the man's later works might somehow be approximated (the curious, overlong chair-racing sequence for example), but it amounts to very little in the end. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/06/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Panelkapcsolat (The Prefab People)

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Movie Info

Bela Tarr