time 2 B
quite possibly the most underrated movie of all time. it does such a great job telling this beautiful story. the songs are amazing, the animation is amazing, the characters all feel so realistic. overall, and absolute master piece
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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Tony G
One of the (if not THE)
- Most visually arresting animated film(s) ever created
- Best Biblical/religious film(s) ever created
- Best soundtracks/scores in any film(s) ever created
- Meaningful pieces of art ever created
That's a pretty impressive list for an animated family film. The subject matter is heavy and its message matters.
The Prince of Egypt has been one of my top 3 favorite movies since it came out. Rare that a movie can have you reflect on your life so deeply, even moreso an animated family film.
The animation is exquisite.....EXQUISITE. So many different scenes should be noted as hallmarks of animation: The opening Deliver Us slave sequence, the burning bush, the plagues, the parting of the Red Sea, etc. This was during the short-lived era of mixing hand drawn animation with CGI, when CGI helped enhance the animation. This was before CGI became the standard, which remains today unfortunately. The difference is obvious. Who knew animation was to peak with this movie and the 90s Disney renaissance films, and basically go downhill from then on? 30 years (in 3 years from this review) and no animation has come close to the sheer BEAUTY of the Prince of Egypt.
The soundtrack is a masterclass in music accompaniment to a film. Songs and music mixed with the visuals that can induce tears, joy or fear. The river lullaby, When You Believe, and my favorite Through Heaven's Eyes, are not just catchy and memorable, but they are powerful and full of meaning. Meaning that can be applicable to your own life when you are at your most hopeful/triumphant or when you are in your darkest corners. Pretty amazing for an animated family film. Sure there are a couple duds (in comparison to the aforementioned), but overall the soundtrack is unique and inspired, and the score is amazing. Don't expect cheeky fun tunes like Under the Sea or Be Our Guest.... you're not going to be laughing at cheering, you're going to be listening, processing and feeling,... and maybe even crying.
Very few films can bring me, an adult man, retired USMC, bodybuilder, Metallica and Pantera fan, covered in tattoos, to tears. Even fewer animated ones. I can't help but get choked up during Dumbo with the mom-in-the-cage song, but usually I'm pretty stoic. This movie makes me look at my own life and want to be of pure soul, chivalrous, and gives me permission to believe in something greater than myself, the bigger picture. Pretty powerful for an animated family film.
You don't have to be religious to enjoy or even be profoundly moved by this movie as other commenters have noted. If you haven't seen it yet, I envy you for what you are about to experience. Even after seeing it hundreds of times, it still evokes the same emotions from me even though I know exactly what is coming.
I hope the animators, directors and voice actors truly understand what they have given the world and what it means to people. The audience reviews don't lie.
This is one movie that truly deserves a 100% rating. It is flawless.
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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Frank J
Not great. The animation is beautiful but the movie sexualised women which is so wrong in the context of the bible.
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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Alexander S
The Prince of Egypt is beautifully animated and captivatingly retells the story of Moses as a heartwarming family film with a remarkable soundtrack. Personally, it’s one of my favorite DreamWorks animated films.
Grading: A+
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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MovieCritic J
The Prince of Egypt essentially takes the pages of Exodus and infuses it with dramatic characterization, hand drawn animation, and scope.
Occassionally it delves in cartoon silliness, but for the most part plays it straight, giving a sense of weight to the drama.
The stacked cast seem to disappear into their roles, with maybe an exception of Jeff Goldblum, which the writing treats Aaron as a comic relief.
Val Kilmer plays Moses with a bit of a soft edge, allowing the audience to get that sense of vulnerability and empathy.
Of course, that soft edge goes away when he is the dominant voice of God, with the rest of the cast providing echo effects to give Him a sense of power and resonance.
The music is also mostly top notch- Deliver Us is a showstopper, Through Heaven's Eyes provides that nice amount of levity, When You Believe is fine, though it won the award for Best Song at the Oscars, so make of it what you will.
Hans Zimmer's score essentially takes the good parts of The Lion King and infuses it with this Maurice Jarre-type Lawrence of Arabia notation, with the late Ofra Haza providing lush vocals.
I consider this film to be a quintessential masterpiece, the impact only dulled by the sands of time and those who get too precious about the Demille movie (s) -- Like, come on, stories get reused all the time- think Seven Samurai or Three Amigos.
TpoE isn't really any different from re-adapting an existing work, one wouldn't say that a "Little Women" adaptation was a remake of earlier versions.
So yeah, watch it already, and hopefully it'll have the same impact on you than it does me.
- John
Rated 5/5 Stars •
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
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Luca F
A beautiful retelling of the story of Moses, with stunning animation and fantastic songs to go with.
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