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Sister Death

Play trailer Poster for Sister Death 2023 1h 29m Horror Mystery & Thriller Play Trailer Watchlist
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88% Tomatometer 16 Reviews 67% Popcornmeter 100+ Ratings
In post-war Spain, Narcisa (Aria Bedmar), a young novice with supernatural powers, arrives at a former convent, now a school for girls, to become a teacher. As the days go by, the strange events and increasingly disturbing situations that torment her will eventually lead her to unravel the terrible skein of secrets that surround the convent and haunt its inhabitants.
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Sister Death

Critics Reviews

View All (16) Critics Reviews
Tim Cogshell FilmWeek (KPCC - NPR Los Angeles) Is it about a supernatural thing? Yes. What it's really about, though? War, injustice, and cruelty. Nov 29, 2023 Full Review Alexandra Heller-Nicholas Strong enough to be a satisfying watch but not quite able to stand on its own without its superior predecessor, Sister Death is regardless a fun Halloween Netflix essential. Oct 23, 2023 Full Review Jesse Hassenger Decider Whether or not you’ve seen Verónica, Sister Death is an efficient and well-made horror picture. Dec 21, 2023 Full Review Aglaia Berlutti Hipertextual More solid and ambitious than the previous film, it is, perhaps, one of the best horror premises of the year. [Full Review in Spanish] Rated: A+ Dec 16, 2023 Full Review Erick Estrada Cinegarage The movie treads the Spanish Catholic horror genre... and utilizes iconography very well. [Full review in Spanish] Nov 9, 2023 Full Review Jennifer Green Common Sense Media Stylish it is (starting with its fabulous poster), with notable use of chiaroscuro, Catholic iconography, and chilling scenes of characters (including children and nuns) experiencing fear, torture, and death. Rated: 3/5 Nov 6, 2023 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

View All (37) audience reviews
Gianella D When you tell you I gasped at the end, I gasped. I watched this movie unknowingly that it was connected to Veronica. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 11/22/24 Full Review Avindu G It's a well acted movie in gorgeous surroundings. Nevertheless the story is haunting but rathern than placing all evils on what's supernatural this takes the audience back to the old ways of final heartbreaking revelation and pure justice. Story is more of a criticism on traditions, willful blindness and rights. It's another production that reminds of true horrors are nothing but man-made. There's lot of hints like the wall of shame in opening scene that questions the impracticality of placing religious figures above and isolated from the social decay. Great visual effects and audio. Good horror movie to enjoy. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 11/17/24 Full Review Alejandro E Es cierto que el cine hispano tiene cierta maestría en el género de terror. Sin embargo, aquí el horror es una reacción al ver un puñado de clichés vistos hasta la saciedad. Al final, uno desearía haber invertido esos 90 minutos en algo mejor. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 11/03/24 Full Review Craig B A solid prequel to the very good Veronica. Strong performance from Aria Bedmar who really carries the film. Quite creepy with some disturbing visuals, certainly worth watching if you appreciated Veronica. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 11/03/24 Full Review Kevin S While Sister Death had all the visual aethetics of a classic Catholic horror flick, it lacked a sense of otherwordly fright. I believe the beginning of the film misled the viewer to a higher standard as the protagonist was conveyed as someone enchanted. Someone touched by darkness. Someone who would bring forth a story illuminated with surprise and deep secrets. Someone perhaps touched by evil. A sheep in wolf's clothing? The story played out with fair acting and ideas only to leave the real horror at the conclusion. Unfortunately this tragedy included the protagonist but was not her personal misfortune. She was rather a conduit. A seer. A revealer. Perhaps the beginning was misconstrued by myself, but Sister Death could have been much more. Worth a watch, but nothing more. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 08/01/24 Full Review Johann D. M Esta precuela de terror de la película 'Verónica', también dirigida por Paco Plaza, está ambientada en 1946, en la España de la posguerra, donde una joven novicia, tras una infancia marcada por un milagro, empieza a enseñar a niñas en un antiguo convento de clausura afectado por una presencia inquietante. Es una historia un poco más profunda sobre la crueldad de la guerra y con un guion bastante satisfactorio, que se enfoca más en la psicología de los personajes y en el terror atmosférico, que en asustar visualmente al público. El final es macabro y trágico y el misterio se desvela de manera intensa y terrorífica. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 07/07/24 Full Review Read all reviews
Sister Death

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Movie Info

Synopsis In post-war Spain, Narcisa (Aria Bedmar), a young novice with supernatural powers, arrives at a former convent, now a school for girls, to become a teacher. As the days go by, the strange events and increasingly disturbing situations that torment her will eventually lead her to unravel the terrible skein of secrets that surround the convent and haunt its inhabitants.
Paco Plaza
Pablo Cruz, Enrique López Lavigne, Diego Suarez Chialvo
Jorge Guerricaechevarría
Production Co
Netflix, El Estudio
Horror, Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
European Spanish
Release Date (Streaming)
Oct 27, 2023
1h 29m
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