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The Stone Merchant

Play trailer Poster for The Stone Merchant R 2006 1h 47m Mystery & Thriller Drama Play Trailer Watchlist
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Tomatometer 1 Reviews 47% Popcornmeter 250+ Ratings
A disabled professor (Jordi Molla) and his wife (Jane March) encounter two terrorists while vacationing in Turkey.

Critics Reviews

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Christopher Null rough stuff Rated: 2.5/5 Aug 2, 2007 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Audience Member The state religion of Saudi Arabia is Wahhabism; the most extreme form of Islamism by witch 9/11 is justified. In this film, a terrorist bombing victim says about 9/11; "Do you know what the most chilling aspect about this whole business is? It's that the West still has not realized that the worst is yet to come." Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/05/23 Full Review Audience Member Non sto qui a discutere sul punto di vista del regista nei confronti dell'Islam e delle civiltà musulmane, penso sia stato già bersagliato abbastanza, ma questo lavoro di Martinelli è veramente un'immondizia che non sta né in cielo né in terra. Anche se lo si dovesse guardare da una prospettiva xenofoba, il film non convincerebbe nemmeno gli estremisti più accaniti. Le tesi del "protagonista" (il presunto professore universitario invalido) sul "terrorismo islamico", sono affrontate con tanto di quel qualunquismo segregazionista, che non starebbero in piedi neanche con una sceneggiatura iper-arguta. Gli stessi dialoghi sembrano usciti da un programmino televisivo spazzatura di quart'ordine, e, fondamentalmente, nei contenuti, non vanno a parare da nessuna parte (e lo stesso vale per il soggetto e la trama...). Aggiungetegli anche degli scontri a fuoco a dir poco irrazionali nella messa in scena (per non parlare dell'aggressione domestica, con tanto di "fuga" fra le travi dell'appartamento... scena fastidiosamente patetica), delle inquadrature che ricordano le tristissime pubblicità delle automobili, e degli effetti speciali sgraziati e grossolani, e vi sarete fatti un'idea de "Il Mercante di Pietre". Rated 1 out of 5 stars 02/22/23 Full Review Audience Member HORRIBLE and so bad its just beyond BAD!!!! PHENOMENALLY PATHETIC MOVIE! PROBABLY WORST MOVIE OF ALL TIME! DO I NEED TO SAY MORE!? 0 of 5 Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 01/23/23 Full Review Audience Member This movie is just so weak, although it makes some very valid statements about islam - and I liked this political non-correctness. Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 01/28/23 Full Review Audience Member En glimrende og skarp kommentar til konflikten mellem kristenhed og islam. Hvor langt vil Vesten gÃ¥? Hvor langt vil fundamentalisterne gÃ¥? Det er dog en skam at det er en lavbudgetfilm, for den er faktisk flot, uforudsigelig og ret spændende. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 02/04/23 Full Review Audience Member Eeerr, emm, huh huh, mmm....Yeah and no. Story was good and thats pretty much it as a pro. ....the cons you ask?... well, For a modern day movie the visuals were a little 1960's and the acting very B...Nobody up for a oscar in this one. ...the profussly perspiring gynstic "half man" brought a kinda immature smerk to my boat-race though. hehe. Kietel looks like hes a cronic sun dome asmatic straight outa 1970's porn set. ...kinda looked like my plant 'henry' when a come back from a 3 week vacation.....I could of sworn i watered him... Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 01/28/23 Full Review Read all reviews
The Stone Merchant

My Rating


Movie Info

Synopsis A disabled professor (Jordi Molla) and his wife (Jane March) encounter two terrorists while vacationing in Turkey.
Renzo Martinelli
André Djaoui, Patrick Irwin, Renzo Martinelli
Renzo Martinelli, Fabio Campus
Production Co
Martinelli Film Company International, Box TV, Medusa Film, Creative Partners International
R (Violence|Some Language|Sexuality)
Mystery & Thriller, Drama
Original Language
Release Date (DVD)
Jun 26, 2007
1h 47m
Sound Mix
Dolby Digital