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Swamp Thing

Play trailer 1:29 Poster for Swamp Thing PG 1982 1h 30m Horror Sci-Fi Play Trailer Watchlist
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60% Tomatometer 40 Reviews 40% Popcornmeter 10,000+ Ratings
On the verge of a breakthrough in his quest to wipe out world hunger, altruistic botanist Dr. Alec Holland (Ray Wise) is placed under the protection of special government agent Alice Cable (Adrienne Barbeau). Mad outlaw scientist Anton Arcane (Louis Jourdan) wants to steal Holland's research for his own nefarious ends, but an unforeseen accident during the heist turns Holland into the Swamp Thing, an enormous plant-like creature that fights back against Arcane's henchmen to save Cable.
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Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing

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Critics Consensus

Unabashedly campy -- often to its detriment -- Swamp Thing is not without its charms, among them Adrienne Barbeau as the damsel in distress.

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Critics Reviews

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Alex Keneas Newsday It's a commando-style action adventure. But its idea of excitement a to be Adrienne Barbeau continually shouting for help while the Swamp Thing slowly turns 90 degrees to catch her direction. Rated: 1/4 Nov 11, 2021 Full Review Keith Phipps The Dissolve Swamp Thing has many dubious qualities, but it clearly isn't a piece of product tested and polished to a blinding gleam, and the world is duller for not letting oddball efforts like this slip into theaters once in a while. Rated: 3/5 Aug 6, 2013 Full Review Dave Kehr Chicago Reader The film is too lazy to provide any actual jokes with its send-up of the genre. Jul 9, 2012 Full Review Matt Brunson Film Frenzy It remains one of Wes Craven's most entertaining and least pretentious outings. Rated: 2.5/4 Jul 31, 2023 Full Review Alan Jones Starburst Swamp Thing contains some of the most banal lines heard in years and its non-existent characterization renders any intended pathos pathetic. Jul 28, 2022 Full Review Mike Massie Gone With The Twins A failed twist on the creature from the Black Lagoon, merged with horror-fantasy elements and a touch of exploitation, like one of Roger Corman's low-budget peplum forays. Rated: 3/10 Mar 24, 2021 Full Review Read all reviews

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Johnathon W Be movie schlock that fairs better than most thanks to Wes Craven's writing and direction. The cast is solid but not extraordinary, with the standout being the great Adrienne Barbeau as Alice Cable, playing her as a capable woman and not a damsel in distress. Behind the camera, Craven crafts a solid comic book movie that sticks fairly close to the source material. Granted, the acting is mostly cheesy, but the Swamp Thing costume holds up pretty well. Not a great film by any measure but a fun one. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 03/23/25 Full Review Daniel B Siendo honesto, por los antecedentes de las películas basadas en cómics de los 70’s y 80’s esperaba algo peor de “Swamp Thing”; pero, aunque esta cinta este lejos de siquiera ser en su totalidad entretenida, su primer y segundo acto me sorprendieron, tienen un aura de peligro interesante y no se delimitan en la violencia. Aunque para mi su tercer acto no encontró un rumbo claro para seguir siendo interesante. Para mi el principal problema de esta, está en maximizar las características de los personajes en pro de hacer veloz a la historia. Los personajes son malos porque tienen que serlo y exceptuando a Ferret, ninguno es siquiera interesante. Algo que me gustó fue la locación de esta, es interesante y con un toque de misterio que la vuelven tanto agradable visualmente cómo tétrica. Siendo desde mi punto de vista su mayor acierto. Porque fuera de ahí la película en casi todos sus aspectos es muy plana, recurriendo a cientos de clichés de películas de acción de la época, pero sin una coacción dentro de la misma que las justifique. Viendo esta película en retrospectiva, ya todos sabemos el genio del terror que fue Wes Craven, siendo Elm Street y las primeras Scream cómo sus principales obras, y aunque esta película está lejos de la genialidad de estas hoy en día sagas, tiene destellos de calidad que la hicieron interesante. Hay una escena entre lanchas que está bien realizada, al igual que cada vez que los personajes se meten al pantano se crea una atmosfera de angustia. Si prestamos atención a este si hay primitivos rasgos que serían aplicados de forma sublime en sus futuros films. Al final si recomendaría esta película tanto para los fanáticos del terror cómo para los fans de los superhéroes por la misma razón, el ver una pieza importantísima que ha sido rezagada un poco injustamente por ambos géneros. Por el género del terror en ver una de las primeras obras de uno de los principales artífices de posicionar este género a niveles de popularidad inmensos, cómo para los fans de los superhéroes en ver una propuesta diametralmente opuesta al cine comercial que se hace hoy en día. Es muy posible que amos nichos no queden fascinados con el resultado final de esta, porque nunca parece que encontró su propia identidad para apoderarse de ella, pero si es un planteamiento que si eres fan de cualquiera de estos dos géneros es una parada obligatoria. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 03/21/25 Full Review Laze T no, no, no, no, no, no Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 02/10/25 Full Review Farah R It's difficult to find one good thing to say about this movie. I think Wes Craven was high when he made it. Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 09/14/24 Full Review Mike P Strange and offbeat horror fluff from Wes Craven...Adapted from the comic book...This is basically another variation on Frankenstein's kind of a darker version of the Hulk. Recommended for horror fans and Wes Craven completists. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 05/17/24 Full Review Lou T Being a huge fan of DC Comics and Swamp Thing, I was pleasantly surprised to find this mostly forgotten flick was streaming. Boy, did I not know what I was getting myself into. While adapting the original comics, the film takes some liberties of its own, which comes together in one of the most boring films put to screen. With a story that feels to be the equivalent of paint drying, one of the most interesting and powerful superheroes is reduced to nothing more than a strongman in a rubber suit. Each actor performs devoid of any human emotions and fail to even deliver reactions that suit the situations they find themselves in. The blame can't fall entirely on the actors, as the dialogue feels stale, even by the 80's standard. The 3rd act has a few moments worth finding on YouTube, but as a whole, it is certainly not worth suffering through the excruciating mess. Swamp Thing fails to create anything worth remembering and now I understand just why this film has been largely forgotten. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 12/21/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Swamp Thing

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Movie Info

Synopsis On the verge of a breakthrough in his quest to wipe out world hunger, altruistic botanist Dr. Alec Holland (Ray Wise) is placed under the protection of special government agent Alice Cable (Adrienne Barbeau). Mad outlaw scientist Anton Arcane (Louis Jourdan) wants to steal Holland's research for his own nefarious ends, but an unforeseen accident during the heist turns Holland into the Swamp Thing, an enormous plant-like creature that fights back against Arcane's henchmen to save Cable.
Wes Craven
Benjamin Melniker, Michael E. Uslan
Wes Craven
Production Co
Horror, Sci-Fi
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Feb 4, 2014
1h 30m
Aspect Ratio
Flat (1.85:1)
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