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The Big Bang

Play trailer Poster for The Big Bang R Released May 13, 2011 1h 41m Mystery & Thriller Play Trailer Watchlist
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19% Tomatometer 16 Reviews 25% Popcornmeter 1,000+ Ratings
The search for a boxer's missing girlfriend and diamond fortune leads a detective (Antonio Banderas) to a reclusive billionaire and a physicist who want to recreate the Big Bang.

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The Big Bang

Critics Reviews

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Peter Rainer Christian Science Monitor Where else can you see a movie where a sexy waitress says, "Reality is just a wave function"? Rated: B May 13, 2011 Full Review Kyle Smith New York Post For a noir, the film is way too talky and convoluted, yet for a physics lesson, it's trash. Rated: 1.5/4 May 13, 2011 Full Review Elizabeth Weitzman New York Daily News Is Antonio Banderas's career really such a big bust? On the one hand, it's a shame to see a talented guy slumming in this budget-bin thriller. On the other, it'd be entirely unwatchable without him. Rated: 1/5 May 13, 2011 Full Review Jason Best Movie Talk Raymond Chandler meets Stephen Hawking in flashy film noir thriller The Big Bang, a bizarre mash-up of private-eye sleuthing and subatomic physics. Mar 14, 2015 Full Review Annlee Ellingson Moving Pictures Magazine Film noir for physics geeks, The Big Bang ... is a clever, if relentlessly dramatic (despite stabs at levity), existential detective story. Jun 22, 2011 Full Review D.K. Holm Vancouver Voice he script ultimately wastes the talents of actors May 30, 2011 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Cristian s Técnicamente la película es entretenida, tiene buen ritmo y se puede ver. El problema principal es que la trama es muy mala, empieza bien y a medida que pasan los minutos se va deshilachando, cada giro que toma en la historia (además de ser muchas veces bastante ridículo) es siempre para peor. Al principio prometía pero se fue cayendo sin parar. Rated 2 out of 5 stars 11/04/23 Full Review carlos t Minha opinião: Percebi que estes dias assisti a vários filmes trash e este é mais um. Uma coisa que já disse, quem sabe se fosse o #Tarantino sendo o diretor este filme seria muito melhor. Um apelo idiota. Onde tem um brutamonte que se apaixonou por uma belíssima dama enquanto estava na prisão. E quando sai vai a procura dela. Para isso enfrenta todos os obstáculo e para ajudar contrata o detetive Banderas. Aonde ele tem que passar por várias situações até mesmo com mafiosos, cafetões e policiais corruptos. E chegar no final descobrir que a lindíssima se trata de um homem que esta dentro do armário. E todo mundo morre e onde estão os diamantes. E o Antonio sai na boa, com os diamantes e a lindissama loira. kkkkkk Roteiro: torpe Vale apena assistir? não Nota: 3 Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 03/30/23 Full Review Audience Member Pretty light but I liked the sciencey bits even if a tad inaccurate. If you want a little fun then watch it. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/26/23 Full Review Audience Member This is basically a kind of weird rework of Farewell My Lovely by Raymond Chandler. It's a gangster film set in the modern day, which makes it a different sort of animal altogether. I never imagined Phillip Marlowe-esque dialogue with an accent straight out of Desperado, but it works in it's own strange way. I expected a low critic rating - this movie doesn't tickle that part of their insular and insignificant brains that compels them into a froth of glowing, smug rhetoric. But I expected a higher audience score. Perhaps it's because this movie is so unexpected for Banderas that people didn't know how to take it. So here's the deal. It's brilliant. It's cool, it's sexy, it's clever, it's intelligent, it's compelling. You don't get to assemble this sort of cast without a good script. Banderas, Sam Elliot, Delroy Lindo, William Fitchner...etc. I'll's weird. It's neither one thing nor the other...and I can't quite figure out why. But it's great. The drive across the desert scene has me mesmerised every single time to the point that I watch it on loop. Do yourself a favour and check it out with an open mind. And then watch it again coz you will have missed half the nuance and dialogue the first time around. Thanks Tony Krantz...this one deserved way more love than what it got. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 02/08/23 Full Review Audience Member A cast that any director would kill for, star in this film that plays as sort of a "Pulp Fiction" meets a screenwriter on drugs. A premise so crazy it could have worked had it been handled properly, unfortunately all of the talent involved could not save a poorly written script with a very unsatisfying ending. Banderas is good as the typical private eye. D Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars 02/25/23 Full Review Audience Member Dull suspense thriller, which attempts to do this in some sort of film noir style but despite the fine cast it's all rather disappointingly flat. Banderas is a private investigator looking for a missing girlfriend and a stash of diamonds Rated 2 out of 5 stars 02/10/23 Full Review Read all reviews
The Big Bang

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Movie Info

Synopsis The search for a boxer's missing girlfriend and diamond fortune leads a detective (Antonio Banderas) to a reclusive billionaire and a physicist who want to recreate the Big Bang.
Tony Krantz
Erik Jendresen, Tony Krantz, Richard Rionda Del Castro
Erik Jendresen
Anchor Bay
Production Co
Hannibal Pictures
R (Some Strong Sexual Content|Nudity|Language|Violence)
Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
May 13, 2011, Limited
Release Date (Streaming)
Nov 19, 2015
1h 41m
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