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The Bullet Vanishes

Play trailer Poster for The Bullet Vanishes Released Aug 31, 2012 1h 44m Action Mystery & Thriller Play Trailer Watchlist
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92% Tomatometer 13 Reviews 71% Popcornmeter 500+ Ratings
Two detectives become the targets of a phantom killer as they investigate the strange death of a girl at a bullet factory.

Critics Reviews

View All (13) Critics Reviews
Robert Abele Los Angeles Times Any caseworking suspense is drowned out by an over-abundance of visual pizazz: disjointed shootouts, arbitrary camera angles and cinematography that draws the eye to lighting patterns, not people. Rated: 2.5/5 Aug 31, 2012 Full Review Mark Jenkins Washington Post This China/Hong Kong co-production is lively, stylish and well-performed; it just doesn't know when to stop. Rated: 2.5/4 Aug 31, 2012 Full Review Andy Webster New York Times Dig deeply and you may find a metaphor about corrupt, uncompassionate government. But mostly "The Bullet Vanishes" is an agreeable period buddy movie, and that's plenty. Rated: 3.5/5 Aug 30, 2012 Full Review Edmund Lee Screen International A sumptuously realised detective mystery that merges Holmesian deductions with shootouts, explosions and action sequences -- some of which are shown with slow-motion bravado. Mar 30, 2016 Full Review Avi Offer NYC Movie Guru A stylishly-directed, intelligent and well-acted murder mystery brimming with thrills, suspense and intrigue. It deserves an American remake. Rated: 8.85/10 Sep 10, 2012 Full Review Louis Proyect Forget about your local Cineplex. This is genuine summer entertainment. Aug 31, 2012 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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carlos t Filme: Balas Voando – A Bala Desaparecida Data: 20-11-22 Elenco: @nicholas_tse_theactor @yangmi_ @yumiko.chengy Modelo: #policial #misterio #detetive Duração: 1:48 hs Ano: 2012 Minha opinião: Um filme ala #sherlokholmes #chinês O grande mistério que há um assassino, que mata a bala, mas ninguém encontra o projetil. Todos vem por onde entrou, mas não por onde saiu. E quais as reais motivações. Enquanto os detetives Sea e Nicholas procuram a solução dos crimes, que envolve a policia, poder, funcionários,.... mortes vão se acontecendo nesse caminho. Uma boa produção retratando a década de 30, um roteiro e enredo bons e do desfecho no final é imperdível. Roteiro: bom Vale apena assistir? Sim Nota: 6 Rated 3 out of 5 stars 03/30/23 Full Review Audience Member Something undefined made me didn't like this film at all. Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars 02/04/23 Full Review Audience Member This is actually a very good detective film. Worth to watch. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/30/23 Full Review jesse o This is another one of those very good good movies. I don't know why, but it just never really seems to take that next step to greatness. It almost does with its third act and all its revelations about weeding out police/government corruption, no matter what the cost, in order to ensure that more people are saved under a 'fairer and just' police chief. That stuff was actually really good, to me, but the murder mystery itself, while certainly intriguing, didn't really go to enough interesting places, nor was there really much mystery behind who actually committed these murders. And I think that's a problem in murder mysteries in general, it's just really hard to get me really that invested unless you really subvert the genre tropes or tell a great story. Gone Girl would fit both of those categories, so that's an example. I don't think this film can really be considered a subversive murder mystery, though this one isn't so much of an issue. I've watched many films that play into the established tropes of their particular genre that are still enjoyable, so that's not the problem. The story, to me, just isn't that great. It's good and it definitely keeps intrigued for its duration, but there's an extra element missing. The casting is real good though, Nicholas Tse and Sean Lau have real good chemistry. Sean Lau's performance really is the best part of the film in how understated he actually is. I've seen him in various movies and he's always, to me, been very good. So I can't really complain on that front. Like I said, the story reveals its real intentions in the third act and this is where the film is at its best. I don't wanna spoil anything, but it's not completely unpredictable considering how everything ended up playing out, but this is where the film really shines. I wish they had incorporated more of that in the film, because the third act, while really good, sort of feels like something out of a completely different movie. I'm probably complaining too much, but it is what it is. This is still quite an enjoyable movie, I just had some issues with the presentation of its story. I'd still recommend this if you have Amazon Prime, but it doesn't end up being anything special or memorable. Rated 3 out of 5 stars 03/31/23 Full Review Audience Member Bellissime fotografia e location, storia divertente, ma un po' confusa e tirata Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 02/18/23 Full Review Audience Member an awosome movie ... perfect acting by nicholas tse.. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/17/23 Full Review Read all reviews
The Bullet Vanishes

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Movie Info

Synopsis Two detectives become the targets of a phantom killer as they investigate the strange death of a girl at a bullet factory.
Chi-Leung Law
Albert Lee, Zhao Zhang, Tung-Shing Yee, Mandy Law
Chi-Leung Law, Yeung Sin-ling
China Lion Film Distribution
Action, Mystery & Thriller
Original Language
Release Date (Theaters)
Aug 31, 2012, Limited
Release Date (Streaming)
Dec 18, 2014
1h 44m