An impassioned surfer, Taylor Lane, creates a functional surfboard with 10,000 littered cigarette butts collected from California beaches. The Cigarette Surfboard takes Taylor around the world to learn from professional surfers who are working to protect and restore the health of the ocean through science, education, art, business and political activism. Inspired by this global cast of characters (including Jack Johnson, Cliff Kapono, Easkey Britton and Mikey February), Taylor returns home to California and uses the Ciggy Boards to generate uproar on the environmental, human health, and economic impacts of cigarette butts. The Ciggy Boards become the symbol of a grassroots campaign to hold Big Tobacco accountable for their toxic, plastic waste. This immersive documentary provides viewers an up close experience of the ocean through surfers' eyes to amplify a message of urgency and possibility regarding the ocean's wellbeing. Surfing is the medium, but the message is universal.
Ben Judkins
Taylor Lane,
Ben Judkins
Original Language
1h 33m