Angela G
In 30 years of life I’ve never felt the urge to write a review for a film, but put in front such a pain for my senses I was compelled to. The dialogues seem like those of a Polish filmmaker that tired extremely hard to make viewers suffer as much as possible in the name of “art”. It looks and feels exactly like licking a cardboard cutout of a badly printed png of a bowl of unflavored porridge. I completely understand the record player wanting to spice up the atmosphere. If there was some horror anywhere, it ran out screaming from the front door, just like I was trying to do before I regained sanity and took my xanax and finished this thing. Watch it if you hate your friends or yourself.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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Jessica G
Absolutely horrible. 10/10 would recommend
Rated 5/5 Stars •
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mike m
An incoherent mess of a film that failed to work at any level.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
As dull as the film is, I give it major credit for at least giving me chills halfway through, & being able to set an extremely unnerving atmosphere. Plus it's eerie music makes it even creepier, but that's as positive as I can get. There's nothing really that redeeming about it it even original about it other than the music, & atmosphere, so it's a bit of a lame film.
It tried as a ghost story, & even added the sentimental value, which did get to me, but the films overall execution really just wasn't well done. I did love the lead character & his love interest (again, the sentimental thing), but the films unnecessary & typical ending also comes close to ruining the entirety of it.
Other than that its not the worst horror film out there, it's just a good time killer.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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jesse o
This isn't what I would call a terrible horror movie, it's just one that makes no real impression one way or the other. It just came and went without really doing much of anything. I don't know, there's just something about the film that felt off to me and it made this movie a little dull to watch. There's not much in the way of actual horror, or at least horror that was effective in adding tension or suspense to the film. It's, honestly, a film that exists simply for the sake of existing. Horror movies in this day and age need to do something in order to be able to stand out of the pack of millions of other movies like it. This movie does absolutely nothing that is different, instead borrowing from films like The Shining and The Others, in order to tell its dull and uninteresting story. There's hints of a good idea, but it's just drowned in a lifeless heap of a film. I will say that, at the very least, Lee Bane, who plays the lead, is a pretty solid actor and he does a fine job carrying this film past its dreadfully boring peak. He has solid chemistry with Georgina Blackledge, who plays his romantic interest. But, to be fair, the writing doesn't do these two any favors. It's not that it's poorly written, but it's just a little cheesy and corny. Like there's enough chemistry between the leads to make them, at least, watchable, but the dialogue makes me not want to see them together in scenes at all. The climax of the film is also something else. Like so poorly shot and framed. There's a 'fight' scene, you can't even call it that because it doesn't last very long, between the lead, whose name I honestly forget, and the villain of the film, who's wielding an ax, and it's just such a bad scene. It's just a terrible scene and it makes the movie even worse. Not a good movie, in the least. Some decent acting and a slight attempt at some atmosphere is not enough to save the film from its horrifyingly dull narrative that would put Ambien to sleep. A considerably worse movie when reviewing than it was before I started this. Bad movie and I certainly would not recommend it.
Rated 1.5/5 Stars •
Rated 1.5 out of 5 stars
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Andy G
drawn out and boring, this film is very tedious and is hard to enjoy. odd camera angles, unjustifiable use of shaky-cam, scenes of the main character staring off into space or lounging on furniture in silence that last 6 seconds too long. the build up to the spooky stuff takes forever. that said, the finale is actually fairly exciting and may surprise you.
Rated 1/5 Stars •
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
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