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The Other Way Around

Play trailer Poster for The Other Way Around 2024 1h 54m Comedy Drama Play Trailer Watchlist
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92% Tomatometer 24 Reviews Popcornmeter Fewer than 50 Ratings
After 15 years as a couple, Ale and Alex decide to throw a party to celebrate their separation, leaving their loved ones perplexed.

Critics Reviews

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Jessica Kiang Variety Trueba has drawn a funny little valentine, shot through by a bright, sharp arrow of feeling. May 23, 2024 Full Review Adam Solomons indieWire In posing substantive questions about the nature of romance and relationships, it’s smarter than virtually any American studio romantic comedy of recent years. Rated: B May 20, 2024 Full Review Juan José Beteta Cinencuentro Although pleasant, The Other Way Around is monothematic, anecdotal, and self-referential... [Full review in Spanish] Dec 11, 2024 Full Review Nicolás Medina Montevideo Portal / Latido Beat Trueba, along with his co-writers and co-stars, skillfully plays with the conventions of the romantic story, transforming the process of breaking up into a creative act reminiscent of the planning of a wedding celebration. [Full review in Spanish] Rated: 8/10 Oct 9, 2024 Full Review Clotilde Chinnici Loud and Clear Reviews While this could have been an interesting idea, I don’t think this was the story the film was trying to tell, which makes it appear confused, and confusing, in its storytelling. Rated: 2.5/5 Sep 14, 2024 Full Review Luis Martínez El Mundo (Spain) As delicate as it is profound, as funny as it is serious, [Around] seems like a rare miracle of poetics of the everyday, of transcendence within reach, of the most common eroticism. [Full review in Spanish] Rated: 4/5 Aug 30, 2024 Full Review Read all reviews

Audience Reviews

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Marco L "Volveréis" es un claro ejemplo del estilo único de Jonás Trueba, quien en esta película despliega su habilidad para capturar los matices de las emociones humanas y las complejidades de las relaciones interpersonales. La película, con su tono delicado y melancólico, consigue explorar el amor, el desamor y las decisiones que definen nuestras vidas, todo ello a través de un guion que combina momentos de profunda reflexión con toques de humor sutil. La narrativa se construye alrededor de unos personajes cuya autenticidad es el corazón del filme. Trueba logra que sus protagonistas se sientan vivos y cercanos, permitiendo que el espectador se identifique con ellos. A través de diálogos naturales y cuidadosamente elaborados, "Volveréis" ahonda en las contradicciones y los anhelos de sus protagonistas, mientras estos enfrentan las realidades del amor y el paso del tiempo. Visualmente, la película es un deleite. Trueba utiliza los escenarios madrileños para crear un paisaje emocional que enmarca perfectamente las vivencias de los personajes. La cámara, en constante movimiento, refuerza la sensación de inmediatez y vida cotidiana que caracteriza su cine. Además, la dirección de arte y la banda sonora complementan el tono introspectivo del filme, envolviendo al espectador en una atmósfera íntima y envolvente. Una de las características destacables de "Volveréis" es su capacidad para equilibrar la ligereza de una comedia romántica con la profundidad de una reflexión existencial. Trueba no se conforma con el tratamiento superficial de sus temas; en cambio, construye una experiencia cinematográfica rica en matices y cargada de significado. Las referencias culturales y la autorreferencialidad, tan presentes en su obra, añaden capas adicionales de interpretación para aquellos que deseen explorarlas. Si bien algunos podrían argumentar que el ritmo pausado de la película y su enfoque introspectivo pueden no ser del gusto de todos, es precisamente esta cadencia lo que permite a "Volveréis" destacar como un filme que privilegia la calidad sobre la inmediatez. Trueba se toma su tiempo para construir sus momentos, dejando que la emoción fluya de manera natural y sincera. "Volveréis" es, en definitiva, un testimonio del talento de Jonás Trueba como narrador y cineasta. Es una película que captura con sensibilidad la esencia de las relaciones humanas, dejando una impresión duradera en aquellos dispuestos a dejarse llevar por su ritmo y profundidad. Una obra imprescindible para los amantes del cine introspectivo y emocional. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/20/25 Full Review Alan W Based on a phrase by his father, the Oscar-winning director of Belle Epoque, Fernando Trueba, that couples should celebrate separations instead of unions, (and then he cameos as the father who coins that phrase which inspires the main characters to do exactly that) director Jonas Trueba has, in collaboration with his two leading actors, Vito Sanz & Itsaso Arana, given us here a delightfully meta, very cinema-literate non-rom-com in which Sanz's Alex and Arana's Ale decide to throw a party for their friends and family to celebrate the end of their 14-years relationship. The bulk of the film then involves Alex and Ale informing their various friends and colleagues, in the same repetitive, parrot-like fashion, and the perplexing reactions they receive from them, ranging from enthusiastic approval to denials and total dismay. Infused with a very dry sense of observational humour, with highfalutin influences from Kierkegaard to Ingmar Bergman, it's also a very self conscious and aware film that constantly remind you of the existence of the camera; while a self critical and mocking tone permeates the film, especially when Ale, who happens to be a filmmaker, is seen working on a film that looks awfully like the same one we're watching. In a blatant case of having one's cake and eat it too, it purports to be a linear as well as a circular and discursive film where characters do not grow and an open-ended ambiguous ending underlines its European arthouse sentiments. Intriguingly experimental, this is an enchantingly mischievous and spirited film that's nothing like anything I've seen before in this genre. The Spanish title translate to: you'll get back together, and that's about as sentimental as this film wishes to get. Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars 10/25/24 Full Review Read all reviews
The Other Way Around

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Movie Info

Synopsis After 15 years as a couple, Ale and Alex decide to throw a party to celebrate their separation, leaving their loved ones perplexed.
Jonás Trueba
Javier Lafuente, Jonás Trueba
Jonás Trueba, Itsaso Arana, Vito Sanz
Production Co
Los Ilusos Films, Les Films du Worso
Comedy, Drama
Original Language
1h 54m
Aspect Ratio
Flat (1.85:1)