The Spruces and the Pines
Where to Watch
The Spruces and the Pines
Watch The Spruces and the Pines with a subscription on Disney+, Hulu, rent on Prime Video, Apple TV, or buy on Prime Video, Apple TV.
My Rating
Cast & Crew
John Stimpson
Jonna Walsh
Julie Pine
Tom Kemp
James Pine
Nick Ballard
Rick Spruce
Ken Cheeseman
Dave Spruce
Sarah Fischer
The Spruces and the Pines
Movie Info
Director -
John Stimpson -
Producer -
Mark Donadio , Miriam Marcus -
Screenwriter -
Marcy Holland , Bonnie Hallman , Lyn Woodward -
Production Co -
MarVista Entertainment -
Genre -
Holiday , Drama -
Original Language -
English -
Release Date (Streaming) -
Nov 2, 2017 -
Runtime -
1h 30m