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Twisted Justice

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Tomatometer 0 Reviews 56% Popcornmeter 1,000+ Ratings
In future Los Angeles the police must use tranquilizer guns; one renegade (David Heavener) prefers bullets.

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Twisted Justice

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Audience Member Yes, it's a bad movie, but as craptastic movies go, this is better than a lot of them. Way too overly complicated, but that means some thought went into this NRA-friendly action flick. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 02/16/23 Full Review Audience Member Una impresentable pelicula ochentosa, se mire de donde se la mire. Un argumento absurdo para una pelicula ridicula. Es el 2020, las armas han sido prohibidas, sin embargo, el crimen, los asesinatos, las violaciones, la violencia crece dia a dia, y es que los unicos que tienen armas son los criminales (?), en este mundo absurdo David Heavener (Seguramente un tipo que pintaba lindo como heroe de accion, hasta que lo llamaron a hacer esta cinta) es un policia rebelde, si rebelde por que a pesar de la prohibicion porta un arma, lo que hace que siempre este en la mira de asuntos internos y al que su teniente, el motorizado Erik Estrada, le encarga la peligrosa mision de detener a un asesino serial. Punto de partida para una pelicula sin pies ni cabeza, imposible de analizar, mal actuada, mal dirigida, con una ambientacion del 2020 de no creer. Puntaje:1 Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars 01/25/23 Full Review Audience Member David Heavener once again delivers the goods - NO!! He makes the goods, filled the truck with his own piss, and drove that fucker over Mt.Everest! Seriously if you don't know about "Big D", he writes, directs, does the music for, and acts in his own movies. Thus answering the question of how do you star in movies if you're unattractive and lack talent. Plus this had Shannon Tweed AND Jim Brown!!! Plus chain mail...why wouldn't futuristic cops wear equiptment used by knights and shark fighters?! AND his boss was Eric Estrada...come on!! Where was Larry Wilcox?..I win! Rated 4 out of 5 stars 01/18/23 Full Review Audience Member God this movie is terrible. But its that good kind of terrible. The unintentionally funny type of terrible, and it probably has the single worst score in cinema history. Rated 1 out of 5 stars 02/23/23 Full Review Audience Member Yes, it's a bad movie, but as craptastic movies go, this is better than a lot of them. Way too overly complicated, but that means some thought went into this NRA-friendly action flick. Rated 4 out of 5 stars 02/27/23 Full Review Audience Member I haven't seen this film, but it stars the man, the legend David Heavener. Can only be a classic. Rated 5 out of 5 stars 01/22/23 Full Review Read all reviews
Twisted Justice

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Movie Info

Synopsis In future Los Angeles the police must use tranquilizer guns; one renegade (David Heavener) prefers bullets.
David Heavener
David Heavener
Production Co
Golden Life Group, Hero Films
Original Language
Release Date (Streaming)
Mar 28, 2017
1h 30m
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