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Made between seasons of Star Trek, with Shatner in duel roles. Not a huge amount to recommend this western unless you must absolutely positively see everything that Shatner has ever starred in.
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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Although this has a release date of 2000, it actually was made in 1968 during a "Star Trek" hiatus. I guess Shatner figured doing foreign westerns worked for another TV star, so why not him too? But Rowdy Yates (Clint Eastwood) had Sergio Leone directing, not Jose Briz (aka Gilbert Kay). But its doubtful Leone could have done anything with this script (also by Briz) that features Shatner in a dual role: as Johnny Moon who lives among the whites and his twin brother Notah, the White Commanche who smokes peyote and overacts (Kir-ock, anyone?)
Though billed first Joseph Cotton is clearly the second lead in this murky and mind numbing story. But I can see why Shatner did it. 1. Paid trip to Europe. 2. Dual role including one where he never wears a shirt 3. Gets to ride horses. 4. Gets to make out with the leading lady as BOTH characters. 5. Did I mention overact?
Rated 1/5 Stars •
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
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140830: How low can you go? William Shatner in a spaghetti western, and a pretty bad spaghetti western to boot. This film is corny, but that corniness brought a few smiles to my face. Getting shot in the forehead seems to be a common cause of death in Rio Hondo. Some fun characters but don't become too attached as many of them die in a big gun battle halfway through. Shatner plays two roles, those of twin brothers, thereby doubling the amount of bad acting on his part. Comically poor but a must see for spaghetti and Shatner fans who can put up with all the nonsense. The musical accompaniment is memorable.
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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Joseph Cotton and William Shatner are at opposite ends of their 'B' movie career in this lackluster western which does little for either. Shatner plays twins in a very one-dimensional divide of cowboy vs Indian - in a very one-dimensional manner.
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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"You are no longer my brother!"~Johnny Moon (The Shat)
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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William Shatner bears the burden of a half-breed often confused with an evil twin brother. Poorly executed but thankfully for Shatner, he was able to avoid permanent damage to his career. Rosanna Yanni, however, shines regardless of the material.
Rated 2/5 Stars •
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
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