Elvis D
Esta recreación del clásico de Lewis, presenta una visión más oscura y mejor visionada que la original, pero que no posee la extrañeza que caracteriza a la obra original. Esta película posee buenos efectos que actualizan de mejor manera las muertes, podría haber ofrecido mucho más gore y ser un buen festival de sangre. Crispin Glover es un Montag bastante carismático y caricaturesco. La historia es mucho más coherente que en la original, ya que aquí usan el concepto de las drogas alucinógenas, lo cual justifica bastante todo lo absurdo que está sucediendo y va desmantelando la realidad del protagonista cuando al principio todo es normal, luego se torna surreal y finalmente se revela que todo no era lo que aparentaba teniendo casi el mismo giro final de la película original. Esta recreación de The Wizard Of Gore es aceptable, pero apenas alcanza la altura de la original. Mi calificación para esta película es un 8/10.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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As the title suggests, it should've been called the Reporter of Gore, instead of the Wizard of Gore. Like most people have commented, there just wasn't enough of Crispin Glover which the movie is all about his character, not the reporter.
Rated 4/5 Stars •
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
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It tries a little too hard to be cool and poignant, but it's just cheesy schlock. As such, it's a decent remake. Crispen Glover is deliciously over-the-top.
Rated 3/5 Stars •
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
come on, crispin glover is perfect in this...okay, alright, it's not great, but it IS a viable guilty pleasure, and it gives me a kind of acid flashback vibe. 'nuff said.
Rated 3.5/5 Stars •
Rated 3.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
The Wizard of Gore, another remake of a cult film, is one of the absolute worst fucking things I've ever seen. It has a plot so incomprehensible and convoluted that I am shocked anyone would bother watching it again to try to understand this pile of fucking dog shit.
I'm gonna just say right now, the sound design is fucking atrocious. The protagonist has some kind of condition brought on by constant "drug" use that make his bones crack. So literally, EVERY FUCKING TIME he moves his head, the foley guy inserted a terrible "bone cracking" noise. It's one of the most annoying uses of sound I've ever heard in a movie. Ever. It was like nails on a chalkboard. And I'm not exaggerating for comedic effect. It's fucking bad. The rest of the movie's sound is mediocre, but this bone snapping chicken shit bull shit was aggravating.
The movie tried to appeal to people like me who think Crispin Glover is hilarious, as well as Jeffrey Combs and Brad Douriff. So they cast these actors to make a quick buck. Crispin Glover is solid in his role. But Jeffrey Combs barely speaks, and Brad Douriff is also barely in the movie. The rest of the time, we're stuck with fucking Kip Pardue, some faggot who I don't give a shit about. He's a terrible fucking actor and I hate him. Bijou Phillips was almost equally annoying. For the most part, the acting is shit. Also, the movie appealed to those who wank off to Suicide Girls, casting a few in the movie. Sure, they get naked, and yeah, it was nice. But DON'T LET THEM SPEAK! Actually, only one does, and it was terrible. The acting isn't good-bad. It's just plain bad.
I'm not going to even try to explain the plot. Fuck it.
Overall, this movie fucking blows, and you should avoid it like the plague. Woods of Evil was almost dethroned.
Final Score: 0/10 (For some reason RT isn't recognizing my 0% score, so it's labeled as a 1/10)
P.S....fuck you Diablo Cody for saying the original film(judging by this atrocious remake) is better than Suspiria. You didn't deserve that Oscar.
Rated 0.5/5 Stars •
Rated 0.5 out of 5 stars
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Audience Member
the movie could have gone somewhere but you will probably just lose intrest somewhere in the second half
Rated 2.5/5 Stars •
Rated 2.5 out of 5 stars
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